Hello everybody, Well, what can I say in a few sentences? I have had to live with Parkinson’s for 45 years. There are very few people who have lived with this terrible illness for as long as I have, other than Matt (Eagles) who I know well. I have had the condition since I was 19 and I am now 64 and still, in relatively good health. So, there is always hope.

Hi Robert,
We just wanted to welcome you to our forum community. Please have a look around and you’ll find a variety of posts from our members, including humor, art, and wisdom of all kinds. If you’re not aware, we have a website loaded with helpful material, including archived forum discussions, here: https://www.parkinsons.org.uk/. And please feel welcome to reach out to our free and confidential helpline at 0808 800 0303 with any questions or just if you would like to chat with a friendly and knowledgeable advisor.
With our warmest welcome,
Forum Moderator

Hi Robert 2 A very big welcome to our Forum, By reading your post you are an inspiration to some of our other members, proof that our lives don’t end after finding out that they have PD. I found out that I had PD 2010 now age 75 still living a good life, (well best I can)

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