Low Blood pressure and Body Temperture

My wife has had PD for approx 16 years and has been coping well with it until the last year or so where every 3 or 4 months she seems to go through a cycle of having low BP and Body Temperature which causes her to pass out or have seizure like episodes thus doing a 999. When in hospital nothing conclusive comes of it, any ideas.

Hi Kenny1,
We’re sorry to hear of your wife’s current challenges. We obviously would urge you to refer these sorts of medical questions to your wife’s team/Parkinson’s nurse, but our Helpline is able to help with some questions and can refer you to medical personnel if necessary. You can reach them on 0808 800 0303. They have provided great assistance to many forum members already, and are happy to hear from you.
With our best wishes,
Forum Moderator

Hi there. This is the effect of Parkinson’s affecting the areas of the brain that control body temperature. The low blood pressure is caused by Parkinson’s and meds. These episodes may also mimic a TIA or be classed
as a vacant episode.
. I would contact yr consultants secretary for advice and or yr Parkinson’s Specialist nurse. Additionally she may just need to be checked out by GP.
Life is too precious to spend unnecessary time in A and E.