
Had a normal massage as I felt knotted up & stiff .So had 45 minutes and my right leg had a bit of dyskinesa within in ten minutes she stopped my leg from moving about. When I Said to her she said she could see that my leg had stopped. She said she as a old boy who comes to her and he shaking all over within 10 minutes he stops :raised_hand: my body has never felt better my walking feels great :+1: it was for 45min £42.50 money well spent another 2 weeks time she said see how I feel and might only need one once a month .As anybody had same experience feels like pduk should be looking into this research :thinking:


My husband Has PD and has regular leg massages with a professional therapist. They give him great relief but she has to be careful not to overdo it as that can cause his spasms to exacerbate. I often use our own massage machine (bought from Amazon) which also gives him relief. He even tried Reiki yesterday and was totally relaxed, so I would agree massage and holistic therapies play a massive part in giving my husband the much needed relief he needs.

Take care


Thanks for the reply I also have sauna, steam room and exercise in pool I’ve pd now 15 years on a cocktail of meds also had dbs for 9yrs also have lower back pain which have regular injection but have decided to finish them as I’m getting relief from exercise and heat from sauna last time they hit nerve in back agony I was in so bit reluctant even get pain going in jacuzzi as that hurts to much. So best keep fighting :muscle: and best luck to your husband 34 when I got pd very aggressive oh well nice chatting look forward to next summer :grinning:

Gus, Most PD sufferers would be able to confirm what you have discovered; namely that heating,cooling, kneading the flesh and, indeed, virtually any activity that moves the body around is beneficial, often dramatically reducing tremor symptoms for some time. Long term the effect is usually to impede the symptoms but not eliminate them.
Personally I find that 20-30 mins of Pilates 1st thing after taking meds in the morning sets me up for the day. A 2-mile brisk walk likewise. Enjoy . JCPB

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Nice to hear your comments but all I got out of response is that you do exercise I’m the morning, I find if your a long time suffering from lower back problems two crumpling disc & degenerative spine I find lying down in sauna, steam room, & massage very good and it relaxing. And it was a great read not

Also I wouldn’t recommend a two mile walk,I suppose how long you’ve had pd plus tablets you take .Thanks but don’t message me back :unamused:

I have been using Donnerberg massager for home massage and it really helps

Hi Gus,

Your experience is quite fascinating and highlights some important aspects of massage therapy, especially in its potential to alleviate symptoms like dyskinesia.

Firstly, dyskinesia, characterized by involuntary muscle movements, can indeed sometimes be mitigated through targeted massage techniques. A skilled massage therapist can work on specific muscle groups, promoting relaxation and reducing muscle tension. This can, in some cases, lead to a temporary reduction in involuntary movements.

It’s important to note, though, that while massage therapy can provide symptomatic relief, it’s not a cure for underlying neurological conditions. The relief you experienced in your right leg, as well as the improvement in your walking, likely stems from the relaxation of muscles and the release of tension knots, which are common benefits of a good massage session.

The therapist’s reference to an ‘old boy’ who experiences a reduction in shaking is another testament to the potential benefits of massage in managing symptoms of various conditions. It’s crucial, however, for individuals with specific medical conditions to consult healthcare professionals alongside considering massage therapy.

As for the research into this area, you’re right – more studies exploring the effects of massage therapy on neurological conditions would be highly beneficial. Currently, massage is often recommended for its general wellness and stress-relief benefits, but further research could help in understanding its role in specific therapeutic contexts.

Regarding frequency, the suggestion to see how you feel and possibly reduce the frequency of your sessions is a sensible approach. It’s all about finding the right balance that suits your body’s needs.

If you’re interested in exploring different types of massage therapies or finding therapists who specialise in certain techniques, I have previously used companies like The Massage Rooms ( They offer a variety of massage services and could provide options that suit your specific needs and preferences.

Overall, your positive experience with massage is encouraging, and it’s great to hear how much better you’re feeling. It’s always inspiring to hear first-hand accounts of how massage therapy can significantly improve one’s quality of life.

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Hello! Our team at the Parkinson magazine are looking to write an article on massage therapy and Parkinson’s… We would love to include your experience of massage therapy to bring the piece to life.

If you’re interested in sharing your story for a piece in the magazine, could you please pop our health content team a note at [email protected] and they’ll be in touch. We’re hoping to write up the article at the end of this week and would some quick questions over the phone or email.

Hello NickT … I have Atypical Parkinson’s & suffer with mobility & freezing issues.
My feet & legs from the waist down are my main problem. A few years ago I had a leg massage to alleviate my stiff leg muscles. Unfortunately my legs were a lot worse for a good number of weeks afterwards. The massage did not help me at all.

Best wishes

Thanks for sharing that Steve2 - would you be willing to share that with our team?


That’s a fascinating experience! I had a similar situation with muscle stiffness and the relief after a massage was incredible. I never had the dyskinesia stop so swiftly, though. Sounds like your therapist has a unique touch.

Are there such services in FL? I Checked out, and they seem professional. What can you guys say? Anyway, improving walking and considering a monthly session is a win! Might be worth exploring the potential benefits further. Share any updates; I’ll be curious to hear how it goes.

Massages are the bomb for relaxing and unwinding, especially after a long day or a tough workout. Hello nice to meet u there so thank you very much

I have a massage before i go on holiday it’s a must

I’ve had times where massage really helped loosen up tight muscles and improve mobility, so I get where you’re coming from. It’s awesome that you felt such immediate relief and noticed an improvement in your walking right after.

If you’re thinking about exploring more options, I’ve found that physio clinic toronto can offer a broader range of treatments beyond just massages. They can really dive into specific issues and provide exercises and therapies that target the root causes of muscle tightness and mobility problems.