Medical Beds

Hi there, just joined and i am carer for my husband who has had parkinsons for a number of years.

We have tried our best to sleep in the same bed but he is now falling out of bed more and more often. We are both in our eighties and getting him back in and settled is very exhausting or we require a crash team.

The social work have suggested a single medical bed which would mean we could both move into another bedroom and have two single beds which i think will bring us welcome relief. The only problem is that there has been no indication as to how long this will take so we are considering purchasing privately or i did notice that places offer you rental.

Has anyone any experience of purchasing a medical bed, who they used, an approximate price range and whether they would recommend?

in advance.


We eventually had a hospital bed provided. Your OT or social worker may be able to help with this.

It was not as ugly as beds on a ward, not metal l sides so not a complete eyesore in the bedroom.