Medicinal Cannabis - Brainwashing On An Industrial Scale

Hi all

This is a link to my vlog about medicinal cannabis.



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Totally agree, nice to see you on channel 4 aswell

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chemical companies are legalized drug dealers

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What about non medical Cannabis oil? Available from health shops. Have you a view?

Brilliant piece of work I can see how frustrated and angry you feel and I am with you every step of the way.
Cannabis has so many therapeutic qualities and I really need to learn more about the detail.
It never fails to amaze me how we take what the government, media and in some cases medical professionals say as gospel…please please people get out there research and come to your own conclusions.
This very poor attempt at making Cbd oil available on prescription has been hyped up to make those responsible look like saviours what a crock of sh** sorry to say. I will endeavour to find some links to post re’ strengths of Cbd oil to make a difference which will vary from condition to condition and person to person. Please do not rely on this proposed government crap you can purchase Cbd oil and search benefits etc etc on line it will take some sifting but anything worth while often does and not everyone will find it beneficial. Just lastly to say Cbd oil from health shops in the uk is not really worth the bottle its in. Hopefully will get back with some more info


Good quality, potent CBD oils can be useful, although I find that I need some THC as well. Many (or most) CBD oils are not strong enough to have a noticeable effect, and they are eye wateringly expensive. CBD Brothers appear to be a reputable company, and their oils get good reviews.


Hi Ian, We have communicated before… Please bear with me if this posting gets in a mess but I shake so violently I have difficulty controlling the mouse and keyboard. So far so good. I am confused by your unguarded reference to the use of THC which I understand to be an illegal substance. Am I missing something and is it possible to acquire CBD Oil containing THC legally? Or are you just challenging the outdated Laws?
Kind Regards, Gerrard

Hi Gerrard

In theory you should now be able to be prescribed cannabis based medicines in the UK which contain THC. In practice it’s almost impossible to access, hence my latest vlog! So yes, I am challenging a law that is outdated, unjust and downright cruel.



Cannabis, full proper THC~rich Cannabis is the best medicine for me. So far have just used herbal and hash removed content . I found it almost miraculous for some symptoms, most notably depression. Lifted in a flash, every time! My daughter/carer can tell when I have self medicated. Because I can walk without a stick, I can stand up straight, my balance improves, I have 75% less pain, my appetite gets stimulated and I laugh a lot more. Sadly, changed circumstances have meant I can no longer grow my own. However, I am about to test some FECO (=Full Extract Cannabis Oil), which will give me the highest possible potency/dose. I should add, I have been living with Chronic Pain (often Acute, too) from Degenerative Spinal Stenosis for 25 years now, as well as havig PD diagnosed some 5 or more years ago (? I think ~ hopeless time memory!). Herbal cannabis helped enormously with that, and I am hoping FECO will do even better. In which case I shall drop my prsecribed daily cocktail of 160mg Oxycontin every 12 hours, and up to 150mg of Morphine for breakthroughs. I shall be well pleased if I can come off that lot, and the Clonazapam at night too. If FECO proves effective for PD symtoms, i may well reduce and eventually come off the Stanek and Rasagaline too. But I’ll just have to wait and see. The test starts later this week, with any luck. I am not suggesting that everyone should do this! Nor claiming Cannabis to be any kind of cure. But it is a proven neuro-protective, and experience has been all positive for me, so far. I have been living on Pharmaceuticals for too long, and don’t honestly know what they do, if anything, to help me. I’ll soon find out…


I look forward to hearing how you get on…

Update: The main gain so far is sleep. Without Cannabis I average sleeping in 90 minute “blocks”, before either pain or just restlessness wake me. Or urgent bladder issues. With Cannabis I have been sleeping in 4 hour “blocks”. Even the bladder issue seems more under control. There is some moderate added pain relief, and I find I’m stronger psychologically to handle the pain, especially the spikes. Mood is improved 100 fold. Although still poor, motivation is improving, with the result that I am now walking about four days a week for an hour each outing. Yesterday I nearly managed a mile. And paid in pain last night! All round, I am walking much better. Still very much a “Parkie-shuffle”, maximum speed is about 1.25mph! However, balance is generally mildly improved, gait is much better, my right foot stays straight without turning in with every step. Appetite is slightly up, but I still have food problems ~ swallowing, and feeling “full” after a meagre child sized portion (having my gastro- system checked out as something is not right in there). So there is improvement, and I suspect that if I could afford it, an increased dose would bring further gain. I am in no doubt that Cannabis has value for helping us Parkie’s. Such a shame we live in the age of hostility and oppression. I am even more convinced that Pharmaceutical cannabis is not what is needed. What we need is the freedom to grow our own. Then we could match chemovar to patient, which is a very unique relationship. But that’s a long story for another day. One further observation: I am finding it best not to rely on one form of ingesting Cannabis. For me, the best way is to use herbal cannabis during the day (smoked or vaped) and take FECO about 2 or 3 hours before bedtime, preferably on an empty stomach, with a light snack taken about 45 minutes to an hour after the FECO. That’s what works best for me, others may find a different regime suits them better.

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This just an opinion. I have Rem Sleep Disorder. I Think there is some research I read at one time. that there is greater chance to get dementia when you have the disorder. There is a chemical THC in Cannibus that can cause halucinations and delusions. Both Halucinations and delusions are part of dementia (And bad Spelling) maybe. For me the fights that I have in Rem hopefully will stay there. But if there is some very sound research it is helpful. I might try it to sleep better if the dreams are happy ones.

Omahatom: In good quality Cannabis, THC is balanced by other Cannabinoids. Most notably CBD which counters the effects of THC you mentioned. Sadly prohibition has led to people hybridising differing strains to raise the THC levels. The problem then is that in so doing they breed out the CBD. The result is OK, even good for many who need THC as medicine (self included), but it can be an edgy and scary experience for others. If you use Cannabis as medicine and find the “high” an unwanted and scary thing, I would recommend you start taking some daily CBD (NOT “Holland & Barrets” which is quite useless; I can advise on sources if you want. CBD is perfectly legal). This will counter-balance the high, leaving you relaxed, mellow and smiling. The only real side effect I have ever noticed with Cannabis is “The munchies”, so buy in some extra chocolate! Hope this helps?

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I think for many people, myself included, the issue is not so much the using of cannabis for medicinal purposes, as the having to go to a edited by moderator and purchase material of dubious quality and origin. Until the law changes and allows the use of medicinal cannabis, many parkinson’s sufferers will be denied the opportunity to at least try it, and make their own minds up.

content edited by moderator to remove reference to illegal activity. For me, cannabis is much more effecive than any of the other Prescription meds like Stanek and/or Rasagiline. But its an individual choice, and not for everyone.