Hi can anyone give any advice on medication - I’m nervous regarding it all ?
I was started on rasigiline beginning of March which has eased my legs aches a little bit my affected arm still aches and is stiff but doesn’t effect my day to day living - I saw a Parkinson nurse recently whom seemed keen to try me on another medication alongside the rasigiline … I’m nervous with meds Incase they run out being effective if started too soo ?
Can anyone advise on their experiences please ? Thank you
I’ve been on rasagiline only for 21 months and don’t plan to add to this until I feel my symptoms need it. Fortunately both the consultant and the Parkinson’s nurse agree.
It sometimes bothers me how different the advice given is by various health professionals.
Maybe ask the PN why she thinks more medication would help and explain how you feel about it.
I do also take magnesium tablets for muscle aches, which my PN recommended and they really do seem to help.