Metallic taste in mouth

Good morning I am new to the forum but 11 years into my diagnosis I have had a metallic taste in my mouth for the last 2 years that I am on sinamet amanatadine pregabiline

Hi, Shaza.
Please allow us a moment to welcome you to our forum community. It’s a lovely group of people who always have some wisdom to share, some of whom are bound to introduce themselves soon. We’d also like to ensure you know our resources and forum. We have a website with research, articles, and archived forum threads here: If you type sinamet amantadine pregabalin into the search bar, it will bring up several Forum posts that may help you. We also have a free and confidential helpline staffed with advisers who can help with everything from medication questions to finding local support, and that’s just the tip of the iceberg. You can reach them at 0808 800 0303, so please do reach out if you have any questions unaddressed here.
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Thanks for the lovely welcome I did my usual and my friendly hand did her thing and sent the post before I’d finished I have also had dbs surgery along with the meds I have tried to eliminate things but the metal taste is really bad has anyone else experienced this thank you