how do you get on with it,do you drive ,or be shoffered around
space in your car,does it suit your needs now,
when is your next car due,and wot type do you think you will choose
do you get excited choosen your next car,but gettin the rite one is very very importand ,cus of space,wheelchairs etc.and leg room,getting in and out of it.
I woulds like to be the first to reply to this one. The first motability cat I had was a Renault Megane. I loved that car but unfortunately I had a lot of trouble getting in and out of it because of my arthritis. You can read more about this in my life story in the Daily Life section. I could have kept my license, but I felt I would be too much of a danger to myself and others, so I voluntarily relinquished it by sending it back to the DVLA. My wife no longer drives but still can and has her license. My daughter chauffeurs us around when necessary. The car I chose to replace it was a joint decision with my daughter, as she has 5 kids. We plumped for a Chevrolet Orlando 7 seater. An absolutely wonderful car to travel in, get in and out of and drive (so I'm told). Good mpg as well considering it's size. It's just had it's first year service so I've got another 2 years to go yet. This one has seats at the back that fold away into the floor and gives tremendous room for wheelchairs etc! It's perfect as a motability car. The next car will probably be either another Chevrolet or 7 seater equivalent. I think when it comes to big cars like that the Americans score very highly. Someones bound to correct me on this.
hi ali j I am collecting my first mobility car next wed. I had to have automatic cos of me weak left side, I've had golf 1.6tdi match 5d DSG MP. CANT WAIT. Easy to arrange. took 2 weeks, will let you know how I get on .
hiya papasmurf,and neenag,i get my next car in september and its goin to be the 3008 pegeout,i found gettin in and out is so much beter ,ive got athritus of the spine,and pd for 11 years,so you will see wot i mean.i carnt drive now either for the last 4 years,first handed it in,got it back 6 months later,then bout 6months agin neuro said it goin back full term,i was no good on road due to medication and concentration.they are brill for wheelchairs like you said papsmurth,and good space for shoppin etc.gettin ur first car is very excitin neenag,goin lookin for one is brill to,im well excited everytime