I am not sure of your financial position so this may not apply.
I had to give up my job due to pd symptons , I was not able to claim esa because I was then assessed as being able to work in a less stressfull environment.
I was not able to claim job seekers as had an income from a ill health pension from a previous job , this pension was more than jobseekers but less than my repayment mortgage.
I had like you only a few years to pay off my mortgage as it was a repayment mortgage I was paying very little interest.
I applied for housing benefit and got a shock ! the benefits are calculated on the interest owing not the outstanding loan. ok if you have just started paying your mortgage but not near the end of term.
I could pay my utility bills, food from my pension but not my mortgage. I had just moved back into my house I had been renting after my partner decided he did not want to be 'held back' married to a woman with a progressive illness.
Within 3 months my mortgage provider was threatening to re possess my home, I was 52 yrs old and living alone, no job.
I tried to change my mortgage to interest only so I could afford the payments but they refused as I had no job. I had another pension plan that would pay out in a few years but they would not accept this as not yet applied for.
The only job I could find was a phone line job as a Tarot Card reader ! where a company put calls through to my landline. no joke I paid off my mortgage telling people they would meet a tall dark hansom stranger , sold all my jewellery some of great sentimental value and anything else not screwed down.
Check what benefits you would be entitled to in a worst case scenario, keep to interest only or endowment ? repayments type of mortgage may be not the best idea.
I am no expert just know how near I came to having my home repossessed.
Wishing you all the best, I hope your retirement plans go well just cover all bases. x