Movers and shakers

New Parkinson’s Podcast featuring some high-profile sufferers from the condition. Rory Cellan-Jones, Gillian Lacey-Solymar, Mark Mardell, Paul Mayhew-Archer, Sir Nicholas Mostyn, and Jeremy Paxman. Worth a listen. Although an Apple based podcast it will play perfectly well on a Windows computer.

Listened to this today with hubby who thought it was interesting to hear of other people’s symptoms. Signed up to listen to them regularly

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A confirmation, podcast also runs in android. I’ve got it through spotify and bbc iPlayer. I downloaded it to my phone and it looks like most audio players will work.

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I was a little anxious about listening to this podcast in case it would be discouraging. I worried needlessly!
I found it on Spotify. We, (Mum dx PD approx 14yrs; Dad, lives with mum; and I, daughter and carer) sat down to listen. It was stimulating plus amusing. Mum said she would listen again as she would like to hear more about their lives coping with different symptoms of Parkinsons.
It was also good to hear the voice of a lady (Gillian) with PD. Mum always laments that whenever it is discussed on the media, its nearly always men, so few lady sufferers.
It helped us to start discussing our feelings etc. So, anyone who may have reservations, give it a go.

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