Mt Snowdon Hike Fundraising
 On 4th August I'm doing a sponsored trek up Snowdon in aid of Parkinsons UK.
If any of you could spare the time to share my Just giving page, and if you can donate to this fantastic cause.

 My Grandad, diagnosed earlier this year, enjoyed most of his retirement as an oil painter and fine artist, his passion has been completely robbed from him by this condition, the affects of Parkinsons permiate through so much more of life than you first think (as you may well know). Husband and wife for 60 odd years, my Nan is also having to come to terms with her provider, rock and loving husband suffering with Parkinsons, and myself and me entire family are endebted to the work Parkinsons UK does to support and understand the people affected by this condition.

So please, even if you cannot donate, share my page with your friends, read up on Parkinsons UK, even read up on the NHS and the lack of Government funding etc etc etc.

you can also text MTSN87 £2 to 70070 to donate by text.

Thank you for your time.


I find it hard to understand why no one has responded to your post and wished you good luck with your fund raising walk.

I note it was on 4th August, I do hope it went well and you enjoyed the climb up Snowdon, I've done it many times, its a stunningly beautiful mountain