Mum missing simenet doses

My mother (84) has an alarm clock reminder, Alexa speaks reminders, a pill box with 4 daily doses and occasionally I remind her through the camera. In the last three months she has been missing doses or taking the two morning ones close together. She then cannot get out of bed, wets herself, falls over , can barely walk and is frail and out of it for two days. So i cannot figure out what is happening. She texts me through the day and says “i have taken my 11 and next is 4” but then occasionally has missed doses. Not sure what I can do. Is this dementia, I feel like she is quite with it otherwise. Has this happened to anyone else? How did you manage. I do not think she can live alone anymore.

I think you will find this is an ongoing battle with many Parkinsons sufferers. If your Mum has been asleep would she hear the Alexa alarms ? My husband’s tablets arrive in blister packs and I decant them into a daily pill dispenser (as his madopar dispersible are not in the blister packs). He has his alarms set on his phone for 6am, 10am, 2pm, 6pm, 9pm snd 10pm when he has to take medications. He also wears a Fitbit watch with the same alarms set that vibrates on his wrist (useful for when he’s left his phone indoors and he is in the garden or vice versa).
The missing of taking tablets often occurs if he isn’t having a good day is more tired than usual and sleeps a lot through the day. He will sometimes not be fully awake turn the alarms off then instantly forget to take the tablets and fall straight back asleep. Or he’ll be distracted between turning off the alarms and actually taking the tablets.
My only thoughts are ensure your Mum hasn’t got anything else happening such as a urine infection as this will impact her physically and mentally causing confusion. My husband’s Parkinson’s nurse one told him that any infection the body is dealing with will have an adverse affect on his Parkinson’s.
Best Wishes & Good Luck