My Mood Is So Low

Hello to all,

I have been feeling this way for a while now and no matter what ever I have tried to do I cannot seem to change the way I feel, I have been diagnosed with Parkinson’s in November 2020, I am currently on simate 2 tablets - 3 times a day, along with Requick and melatonin, and mirtazapine at a night time,

I feel so low and lonely, I live with my wife and she helps me with almost everything that I do, and we love each other so much, but no matter, I feel so alone and empty inside, what can I do please.

Thanking you in advance.

Hi Lloydy,

We’re very sorry to hear this, but one thing we can say with certainty is you are not alone. You’ll find loads of posts by community members here sharing their similar struggles. We would also recommend you reach out to our helpline on 0808 800 0303. Many people have found comfort contacting them, as they have real solutions they can offer and are friendly and happy to just listen. Please do make use of this resource, and have a look around the forum when you can, and know there are always people who want to help.

With our best wishes,

Forum Moderator

I totally understand what you are saying. I was diagnosed about 6 weeks ago and all I want to do is give up .
I feel lonely and isolated too.
My grown up kids and partner sort of understand but I don’t think that they fully comprehend what this will escalate to
This feeling scares me especially as I have PTSD

Hi Coop,

I would extend the same welcome and invitation to you. Our helpline team is lauded by our forum community. They have helped make things easier for so many. Do reach out to them on 0808 800 0303. And have a look at these other support services, please: Helpline and Parkinson's advisers | Parkinson's UK.

There is help out there.

With our warmest welcome,

Forum Moderator

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Hi Lloydy, im the ‘wife’ of partner with ‘parkinsons’. I think its perfectly natural to have days of very low mood as you live through this condition, i know my husband does. I try to lift his mood with as much positivity as i can. First of all, everyones journey through this condition is different. Some symptoms are less troublesome, many people remain stable for many years, but yes, if you make it to a good age , the chances are you will have more difficulties. But then so do we all as we age, last year i was totally independant, this year i developed osteoporosis, crushed my vertebra, and i now rely on my husband to help me! You sound as though you have a very supportive wife, you will undoubtably help each other mentally through this. I have cried in despair at my new problems, and my husband, who has many more than me, has helped reassure me and this helps me. If you find your struggling with mood and thoughts more frequently, dont hesitate to seek advice from gp/nurse etc. We find knowledge is powerful. By that i mean we research everything we can do to help the condition, and try them all! Chatting on the forum is one part of that. I distract myself with hobbies i enjoy, stay socially active with friends and family for support. Of course they dont totally understand what we are going through, but they can lift the mood for a short while . The old adage, there is always someone worse off than yourself helps me sometimes. Other days i need the box of tissues. I make no apologies for that. Drugs and therapies are out there that can reduce the worse aspects of some symptoms. Do you listen to the parkinsons podcasts at all. ? Movers and shakers, ? Although they are all moving in more elite circles, their experiences of parkinsons are the same as yours and my husbands. We enjoy hearing them chat . I also have a sister in law, now 73, developed parkinsons at 39. Shes led a full and active life, only now having more problems. There is lots of support out there if you like joining groups, my husband doesnt ! There are many people in this forum who have lots more advice from their personal stories who im sure can offer assistance. Best wishes to you


Firstly thank you for taking the time to read my message and the reply,

I totally understand what you are saying, it’s just some days are really hard knowing that you are not going to get better from this dam disease you are only going to get worse, so I think that I can only keep going for the sake of my family and people like yourself who take the time to reply to my message, I do hope that you and your husband keep yourselves as well as you can ( Under the current situation), thank you again for your time and support which you have shown to me.

Please take care of yourself, all the best for the future.