Nausea & Palpitations

My mum was diagnosed with Parkinson’s 5 years ago. She has had fairly standard symptoms of the tremor, slow walk etc generally controlled fairly well with her meds over the years

A little over 18 months ago she had a period where she was getting palpitations and was feeling nauseous and like her food was sitting in her stomach. She started eating a lot less and lost weight. After a few investigations nobody could really find anything and we were told it wasn’t parkinsons related. Mum can’t take omeprazole type drugs so she was given cinarazine and it improved things enough for her to carry on.

About 6 weeks ago she suddenly started getting bad palpitations again and this same nauseaous feeling. I’ve tried to get a better definition from her. She gets a bloated feeling, as if the food is just sitting in her stomach, her guts are a bit gurgly. We think the symptoms all come on after eating a “big” meal (mum eats tiny meals!).

Mum has had various tests and there doesn’t seem to be a heart problem (still waiting for results of 24hr ecg). Bloods have shown nothing. Doing a bit of research, I feel mum may have gastroporesis or slow stomach emptying due do her parkinsons. It’s taken me nagging the dr and mum talking to her parkinsons nurse for them to even admit, yes, this is probably progression of parkinsons but they all say there is no treatment she can have because it advances parkinsons.

I’m left with my mum feeling poorly and feel frustrated at the lack of help. Have seen a few posts on here saying people have been prescribed motilium. Can anyone tell me if these symptoms do seem like a parkinsons thing and if so does she just have to “live” with it?

Basic info for you:
She’s 83 and currently takes cocaroldopa 25/100mg and sinamet 12.5/50mg four times a day, resagaline 1mg once daily, cinarazine 30mg three times daily. Her parkinsons is not perfectly controlled. Just before this latest episode of nausea she was started on ongentys 50mg once daily to try and even out her off periods but as it coincided with the start of these symptoms she only took it for a few days and although symptoms have continued everyone is a bit cautious to restart it

Hi Catmum,

We just wanted to take a moment to welcome you to our community forum. You’re sure to hear from our group members soon regarding their take on your mum’s gastro difficulties. And, as an additional resource, we have a website that is rich with information on the myriad Parkinson’s symptoms, related conditions, and medications, along with constantly updated research news and fundraising opportunities. This is the first hit of a search for Gastroporesis and may be a good place to start, but do make use of the search function to see many more, including archived forum discussions on the subject: Certain gut conditions may be an early sign of Parkinson’s | Parkinson's UK.

We also have a free and confidential helpline staffed with advisors who can assist with all manner of questions and who can also link you and your mum up with support services in your area. They are on 0808 800 0303 and are happy even just to listen, which can in and of itself be immensely comforting.

We hope these tools can be of some use to you, as we welcome you to our wise and caring community.

With our best wishes,

Forum Moderator

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Hi Catmum,
It sounds really complicated and you seem to have gone through all possible scenarios from food to medication etc.
Just a thought out of left field, could it not be as a result of something in her environment causing it?
I take it for granted as a Catmum, so just as an example, you have cats around, perhaps she is becoming allergic to them, or to say nuts or lactose or…
It does sound as if it is something she eats occasionally.
People do get allergies out of nowhere at times.

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Hi there, yes I hadn’t thought of it being a new allergy developing but I’m not sure why that would cause palpitations? I feel it is something physical but I do know the mind and body work in strange ways so who knows! I’m still interested to hear about potential medications if anyone has any experience

But your thought about environmental causes is a good one—sometimes it’s easy to overlook things like that

These are classic symptoms of GASTROPORESIS

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Thanks, do you know if there are treatments that can be given to ease symptoms?

There are a few, but the only one I know of is Metoclopramide.

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