Neck and shoulder pain

Hello all, I am just wondering if anyone has had symptoms of leaning forward from the neck. I feel like this could be the start of developing a hunch back and would love to prevent it, if that is possible. I have been told by my personal trainer and my physiotherapist that i need to relax and drop my shoulders. It is so difficult. I have noticed that even when I am trying to get to sleep, this symptom is still there.

Any help / tops greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance xxx

Hello Jacky3, my husband who has PD has sadly developed this type of posture. His back has become very rounded and head is always forward. He finds it nigh impossible to lift it up no matter how hard I try and remind him to look up!! I mentioned his appalling posture to our consultant on our last face to face visit (well over 2 years ago) and he said he simply can’t do it as it’s dystonia and no point trying to rectify it! I was quite annoyed by this remark to be honest, so I’m continuing to try and find out if anything can be done to at least keep it from getting much worse. To this end we have actually got a physio coming to see him in the morning so I’m hoping she can help. He also attends strength and balance classes where the tutor keeps reminding him to try and lift his chin up, so she must think it’s possible to do or surely she wouldn’t mention it? Anyway, we’ll wait and see what physio has to say. If I find out anything useful I will get back to you via the forum. In the meantime I hope someone else will come on with any advice. By the way, he was diagnosed 6 years ago at the age of 65. Best wishes, Jean

I do yoga aT Home from free youtube clips. This is the lady I follow with a 10 min yoga for neck & shoulders etc

Every week I aim for three sessions and I do a DIFFEREnt clip each week to avoid boredom. And you might find a particulaRLY useful stretch you can do at any time like when you are waiting for the kettle to boil…

The commentaries get into your brain so you find yourself thinking about posture more and consciously trying to correct it…

and because none of us like pain it is worth persevering with exercise becaU SE when pain is due to muscle stiffness there is something you can do about it

I came across one clip on youtube of a lady who started taking exercise seriously in her 70’s – it had all round benefit s - very inspiring.


Hi Jean1,
I have serious doubts as to your consultants abilities.
He/she seems to have washed their hands of the situation as they obviously have no idea how to handle it.
Have you tried talking to a neurologist or/and a biokineticist ?
I’m sure they could be of some help.

I think it is a constant battle you stretches 3 or 4 times a day may help, the disease is trying to fold you and you have to stretch the opposite way.
Also I use a stand that is adjustable for IT gadgets at eye height when sitting to lift the head instead of looking down.

Hi only just saw yourresponse

Lots of useful short exercises when you search with “thoracic spine” on youtube

The head is quite heavy so I guess it is that forward tilt causing the ache in upper back

I certainly think I should be aiming for more than three times a week with the yoga but I don’t feel like doing it after a VERY short night. A question of building up the habit

I do get out on my recumbent trike to get a daily dose of sunshine/tire myself out to try and improve sleep.
One of the parks on my route has some of that outdoor gym equipment so I can do my arms

Trying to balance gentle stretches to ease stiffness with stuff that builds enough muscle strength to do the more strenuous poses

Yoga exercise I’m doing this week: (nearly 20 minutes - pat self on back!)

and this is Joan’s arm & shoulder workout – only 10 minutes but really hard work
she makes it look so easy – the reward of persistence
I can’t keep up with the speed of repetitions… not yet superwoman

Also, have you considered another cause of the rounded back, Osteoporosis? This can give a curved back or a droopy head. One or more vertebrae can become wedge shaped, often without symptoms other than loss of height and the curve in the spine.
Many people with it are not diagnosed, with changes seen on x-ray dismissed as wear and tear due to ageing. If not treated it can cause progressive amounts of discomfort, deformity and disability.
The latest NICE guidelines should improve detection rates but will the local NHS manage to implement them….But that’s another question.
I hope you find some answers.

Been trawling through youtube exercises for upper back. Sometimes it is so tight. I pinched my son’s foam roller then bought my own long one – now I am a bit stiff from stretching those really tight bits. Hopefully if I keep trying the superman stretch it will get easier.


Yoga for thoracic mobility (15min)

very quick & simple rotations for stiff upper back:

finally, looking so trendy at 90 years old and no sign of stooped posture! 20 min stretch routine: