Neck pain caused by dyskinesia

About 6 months ago, my dyskinesia started getting worse, and I noticed I was starting to get a lot of neck pain.

I went to a neuro PT who said she thought my neck pain and stiffness were being driven by my dyskinesia and that I needed to reduce the dyskinesia before we could improve my neck. So I tried amantadine but because of its side effects I can only take 1 per day. And it doesn’t seem to help at any rate. So then I experimented with dosing of CL - minimize usage. But haven’t been able to find a balance that works. Now I’m experimenting with Rytary. No luck yet.

If I can’t eliminate dyskinesia, is there any kind of PT that can at least help reduce neck pain?

This is a major problem for me because beyond the pain, I was reliant on running and exercise as therapy. But with the neck pain, I’m lucky to be able to fast walk for 20 , max 30 minutes!

Hi CraigW,
Welcome to our community forum! We’re sorry to hear the meds aren’t helping with your neck pain. In case you didn’t know, we have a free and confidential helpline that has access to loads of resources, so we’d suggest reaching out to them with this. You can reach them on 0808 800 0303.
With our best wishes,
Forum Moderator