Neupro patch

I have just started on Neupro, for RLS actually, and wondered what others have experienced in the way of compulsive behaviour problems.
My first dopamine agonist, Parlodel, was a total disaster…compulsive gambling, crazy business ideas,impulsive risk taking and addiction to soft porn. Ropinirole was not much better. So hoping Neupro will be better. 2mg has already made a bit of an improvement in RLS and hoping to increase to 3mg. Don’t want these compulsion side affects

Hi OsbornChap, welcome to the Forum.

We’ve got lots of information and advice about impulsive and compulsive behaviours on our website, which you can find here:

You might also like to try contacting our Helpline, as they’re able to advise on a wide range of issues. You can reach them via email at [email protected], or call free on 0808 800 0303. Lines are open Monday to Friday from 9am to 7pm, and on Saturday from 10am-2pm.

Hope this helps.

Best wishes,

Moderation Team

I - have to say that I don’t even know that my 6mg patch is there unless I forget to change it

Hi and thanks!. Sorry for late reply…been really busy.
Still none of those side affects, just been increased to 3 so seeing how this will go. hoping RLS will go as keeps me up all night sometimes