Neurology appointment

Im sooo happy i have finally received an appointment to see a neurologist in September i have tried so hard these past few years to get this due to my worsening symptoms that started 6/7 years ago . Im almost convinced that i have early onset parkinson’s my symptoms are a list of parkinson’s symptoms i have only just noticed over the past 6 months as i wouldnt of looked at this disease as ive always thought it only affected much older group, but if it does turn out i have pd,it would mean my symptoms started at age 40. I have seen alot of other specialist, ive had scans and a lot of tests but nothing neurological has ever been tested. They ruled out a lot of other conditions and told me i had fibromyalgia but im having none of it as this does not affect your central nervous system and that is exactly what is happening with me along with peripheral neuropathy i actually walk slower than my 72 yr old mother!!