New Diagnosis

New to forum My wife 76 yrs just been diagnosed and been prescribed Sinemet she is suffering tremors slow unsteady movement We are having difficulty finding any support or advice Could you help a newbie THANKS

Hi KeviinS, welcome to the forum. We’re sure our lovely members will be able to provide you with advice and support from their own experiences. We hope you can find the support you are looking for.

We do also have a free, confidential helpline where our advisers can provide support and advice, so please do reach out if needed 0808 800 0303.

If you are finding any problems with medication then we would recommend reaching out to your GP or Parkinson’s Nurses as soon as you can so they can help advise.

We do also have lots of information on our website, so we hope you find this a useful tool.

Best wishes
Parkinson’s UK Moderation Team

Good afternoon KeviinS … I have replied to your Sinemet query on the other thread.
Have you been referred to a Parkinson’s Nurse? You should have one.

The Parkinson’s nurses here are excellent & free to talk to, 0808 800 0303.

Any other questions please ask.

We were all newbies once.

Best wishes

Have just been diagnosed myself and the Consultant is keen to put me on Rasagiline. Anyone any experience?

Hi Steve … I have been on Co-careldopa for about 8 months. My Parkinson’s nurse added Rasagiline about 3 weeks ago. I don’t think it has made any difference good or bad.

Does rasagiline slow Parkinson’s?

Current treatments of Parkinson’s disease are not thought to slow the progression of the disease but just appear to result in temporary relief of symptoms. There is some evidence in recent clinical trials that both levodopa and rasagiline might slow progression and be considered disease modifying effects.strong text

Thank you @Steve2