New Here

Hi , I thought I’d introduce myself I have said hello but then lost the thread lol or the plot!I was diagnosed with Parkinsons in July last year after waiting over a year to see a consultant my appointment took around 10 mins I was told you have Parkinson’s told to take my prescription to the pharmacy and see you in 6 months I think I already knew as I was experiencing problems , left foot dragging on walking lots of pain and memory problems and no left arm swing , My journey with this condition has been hard as I feel I’m dealing with this alone I’ve had meds increased , decreased then increased again I know it’s a balancing act to get meds right I also have osteoarthritis and am on pregablin and anti spasm drugs I don’t feel alive anymore it’s a constant day of meds taking and all I do is sleep on and off I’m formerly a healthcare worker so now I realise what it feels like to feel vulnerable and need assistance I don’t go out only to the GPs or hospital as I scared after a recent trip out alone I couldn’t remember my address is this my new norm? Any advise would be great thanks

Dear Blue 29, bless you it’s a difficult road to manoeuvre from what I remember. I am a fair way down that road having been diagnosed some 15 years, possibly more I don’t keep check. I hope your meds routine settles for you, everyone’s regime is different which doesn’t help. I was an Occupational therapist in a previous life and saw many a Parkinson’s patient and it’s difficult sometimes to consider yourself as vulnerable and in need of services. All I can say is try to keep positive, that glass is always half full. Take care