New sealed Madpar bottles. Beware!

Just found out by chance 17 March 2023 that Madpar only being supllid in sealed bottles, multiples of 100 tablets since 1 February. Pharmacies told to round down eg if 224 requested only get 200…if 251 req they round up to 300. Pharmacists at a well-known chain pharmacy have neglected to inform us verbally or in writing and not queried with GP twice…I checked medicines dispensed today in pharmacy against photocopy of repeat prescription. (We have had other shortfalls and missing items which you can’t prove once home) When I complained, pharmacist told me it was my job to ask not hers to explain, and I had to get another prescription from doctor. (Previous urgent shortfall of Libre sensors was emailed back and forth by head pharmacist and GP surgery while I sat there.) On my return to pharmacy I was told I had been disrespectful and they did not feel comfortable dispensing to me. My doctor had also confirmed the pharmacy had said both times they had dispensed in full, and had dispensed another item that was definitely missing. Luckily another branch of same chain could not have been more helpful or informative. That makes three half days in a fortnight spent chasing pharmacy shortfalls. Have made appointment with pharmacy team at the GP surgery to line up all the medications and dates. BEWARE MADOPAR SHORTFALLS.

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Hi @Alisongs,
Has similar problem with my chemist, rhymes with couldn’t give a Hoots. I was told it’s because they have to be stored in a dark place and at a certain temperature. I spent hours on the phone going between surgery and, couldn’t give a Hoots, trying to sort it out. Eventually got it sorted by going to surgery and speaking to dispensary team.
Only problem now is, I used to get 140, now I’m going to get 100 one month, then next month 200. I can see the situation arising where I will have too many, or none at all. Still that will all be my problem, even though (with Parkinson’s) I will have lost all my marbles and don’t know what planet I’m on or what day of the week it is.
Good luck.

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This has solved a riddle for me as I order through my GP Surgery online & had been having 280 in three bottles, I now get 3 x 100 bottles per prescription(by the way my Pharmacy isn’t one of the big chains but a local one !!).


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Husband is getting 300 every 8 weeks instead of 224. After several months there may be enough spare to cover the following 8 weeks without a reorder. Much simpler. Ask for this!