Hi my name is carlos im 44 and was diagnosed with parkinsons on december 19 2011.

Hello Carlos and a warm welcome to the forum, I'm glenchass and Ive been diagnosed for about 12 years now. I'm sure that you will gain much from being part of this community and I hope to see you around the forum.
Hi Carlos, welcome aboard. I'm 40 and was diagnosed three years ago but been mystified for four years before that, currently doing great with a little help from the drugs. How are you?
Hi Carlos.... a warm welcome - my name is David, retired College Bursar, 66 years young (I hope) and diagnosed Jan'y 2011 (but things weren't right before that for a little while)... so much so, a diagnosis was a relief... for about 24 hours!! Then I realised I'd got to get your head round what I'd been told!!...
But... however you are feeling right now, be assured you've come to a good place.. I have found good friends who share, encourage, etc.. and even if you don't "correspond" you will see from all the various contributors you will see you are not alone - My situation is not one of tremor, but stiffness/slowness.. some sleep disturbance (hence writing this at 1.30 in the morning!).. and, o.k., feeling down at times..
Someone will always be around when you 'post' and, again, there is wonderful mutual support here - also... the HelpLine people are so supportive - I've learned the hard way not to sit and fret... give them a ring or send an e-mail.. they are so perceptive and understanding and you'll always be the better for talking to them..
Keep us informed of "how it is" for you - we're all in it together and have the same hopes and same concerns... Good to have you with us... bursardavid...
But... however you are feeling right now, be assured you've come to a good place.. I have found good friends who share, encourage, etc.. and even if you don't "correspond" you will see from all the various contributors you will see you are not alone - My situation is not one of tremor, but stiffness/slowness.. some sleep disturbance (hence writing this at 1.30 in the morning!).. and, o.k., feeling down at times..
Someone will always be around when you 'post' and, again, there is wonderful mutual support here - also... the HelpLine people are so supportive - I've learned the hard way not to sit and fret... give them a ring or send an e-mail.. they are so perceptive and understanding and you'll always be the better for talking to them..
Keep us informed of "how it is" for you - we're all in it together and have the same hopes and same concerns... Good to have you with us... bursardavid...
Hi Carlos welcome to PDUK sorry to hear of ur dx it takes sometime to wrap your head around dx shock/auto pilot/disbelief it will take a while to wear off but life goes on and positivity and exercise seem to be key components to reasonable quality of life.
Welcome again
Welcome again
Welcome Carlos, I am Alan was diagnosed in Sept 2011 at the age of 42. Like most of the people on the forum will tell you it takes time to get your head around the dx. Its just begining to settle in with me now with the help of some drugs from the docs as I havent been coping to well. I keep telling myself that I need to be strong for the sake of my very supportive wife and twin boys ~(15yrs old). I wish you well my friend.
Hi Carlos,
Welcome, hope you find this forum useful,I'm sure you will. I was dx about 3 !/2 years ago at the age of 56, it's certainly difficult to come to terms with. Best wishes to you.

Welcome, hope you find this forum useful,I'm sure you will. I was dx about 3 !/2 years ago at the age of 56, it's certainly difficult to come to terms with. Best wishes to you.
Hi Carlos,
Welcome to the forum which I am sure you wil find very useful as well as meeting some very good friends who will tell you there is life after PD. Keeping a positive attitude is so important as well as keeping busy. I haven't got pd but my husband has had it for thirty years and was 39 when diagnosed, he always says if you don't use it you will lose it and that certainly seems to have kept him in good stead.
Best wishes for the future and your family will keep you strong I am sure.
Welcome to the forum which I am sure you wil find very useful as well as meeting some very good friends who will tell you there is life after PD. Keeping a positive attitude is so important as well as keeping busy. I haven't got pd but my husband has had it for thirty years and was 39 when diagnosed, he always says if you don't use it you will lose it and that certainly seems to have kept him in good stead.
Best wishes for the future and your family will keep you strong I am sure.
HI its carlos thank you for the warm greetings into the forum.Im sure ill make lots of true friends ive recently split up from my girlfriend of six years.I think its all been to much for her we have a four year old son together and i find it very hard not being around him.At the moment i seem to be having alot of bad days and my ex girlfriend thinks im putting it on and im finding it very hard keeping myself together at the moment.Im fairly disciplined i was a kick boxer for 12 years training five days a week.I was traning for a fight when i was diagnosed with parkinsons so every thing iput in to the 12yrs of training will now be put in to dealing and living with parkinsons.
Hi Carlos,
I find your girlfriend's attitude puzzling to say the least, especially as you have led such an active life before so your obviously not a malingerer by nature.
Unfortunately stress is the enemy of PWP's and accentuates the symptoms. Is there anyone who could help you two to talk through your fears together. Many people live rewarding lives and keep working for many years after dx. Of course, its a massive shock even at my age (72) and when you're so young and with a family there must be so much going through your head. I know a lady whose somewhat younger husband left her when she was made redundant coming up to 60 (no illness!!!) and she later found out when he wanted to come back that the spectre of having one day to look after her was the cause. Needless to say she had got used to her independence by then.
There's a US internet site http://www.butyoudontlooksick.com/ which is for anyone with a chronic condition which might shed some light on her reaction. If nothing else there's some humerous accounts of the barmy things that have been said to people with long-term conditions.
You are by no means the first person on this site not to have been supported by a partner and on the other hand there are some heroes and heroines who have gone far beyond what anyone could reasonably expect from them. I'm wondering whether anyone whose first reaction to a friend's or relatives dx was negative who can explain why it is so difficult for some to understand PD in particular.
Best Wishes
I find your girlfriend's attitude puzzling to say the least, especially as you have led such an active life before so your obviously not a malingerer by nature.
Unfortunately stress is the enemy of PWP's and accentuates the symptoms. Is there anyone who could help you two to talk through your fears together. Many people live rewarding lives and keep working for many years after dx. Of course, its a massive shock even at my age (72) and when you're so young and with a family there must be so much going through your head. I know a lady whose somewhat younger husband left her when she was made redundant coming up to 60 (no illness!!!) and she later found out when he wanted to come back that the spectre of having one day to look after her was the cause. Needless to say she had got used to her independence by then.
There's a US internet site http://www.butyoudontlooksick.com/ which is for anyone with a chronic condition which might shed some light on her reaction. If nothing else there's some humerous accounts of the barmy things that have been said to people with long-term conditions.
You are by no means the first person on this site not to have been supported by a partner and on the other hand there are some heroes and heroines who have gone far beyond what anyone could reasonably expect from them. I'm wondering whether anyone whose first reaction to a friend's or relatives dx was negative who can explain why it is so difficult for some to understand PD in particular.
Best Wishes
Hello Carlos & Eileenpatricia,
I do believe that that difficutly that partners , friends , relatives have in coming to terms with your dx of pd, is that they simply do not know what to expect. And how can they, when the medical profession cannot, we ourselves are powerless to explain to anybody's satisfaction the fluctuating nature of the condition. It is so easy to say that we have to live from day to day, but we must recognise that partners/relatives/friends have future plans of their own.
Ah, but then, such is life , with or without pd.
All the very best to you both
I do believe that that difficutly that partners , friends , relatives have in coming to terms with your dx of pd, is that they simply do not know what to expect. And how can they, when the medical profession cannot, we ourselves are powerless to explain to anybody's satisfaction the fluctuating nature of the condition. It is so easy to say that we have to live from day to day, but we must recognise that partners/relatives/friends have future plans of their own.
Ah, but then, such is life , with or without pd.
All the very best to you both
Hi annebernadette thanx for your message and i agree everyone has plans of their own and i hope my ex girlfriends plans work out the way she wants.Im not a bitter person and she is the mother of my son who means so much to me.thanx once again for your reply annebernadette all the best carlos.