New treatment works

Hi all, I have just started a treatment program that involves the use of cannabidoil . I have only had 2 doses up to now but have to report  a significant improvement in my symptoms. My tremor has almost disappeared and my gait has steadied immeasurably. My speech has also improved. In fact I feel simply marvellous. I have several more doses this week to complete my course and then I will be examined to see how well I am doing with the treatment.  The drawback is that this is only available in Tenerife. I am not involved in this project other than as a client . I am just so happy about being well for the first time in years.

                        Cossy 56

Interesting - keep us updated on how it goes.

CBD is not illegal in the UK but it is really expensive. What dose are you on, Cossy?

Hi I'm not on cbd Tabbycat I'm on an experimental compound derived from the oil. I'm taking 32 grams over 12days. . I can honestly say I have not felt so well in the last 3 years. All my symptoms have dwindled to virtually nothing. They tell me that I may not need any more treatments for several months. It also hasn't cost me a penny .

Apologies. I searched Google for cannabidoil and got cannabidiol - which is known as CBD.

Whatever you're on, it sounds fantastic! I hope it becomes more widely available.

Hi Cossy_60

Hope you are well...

I've just been trying to find more info on the use of CBD and came across your post. How did you get on with the rest of the trial/treatment with the cannabidiol?

I found a site based in Tenerife and Spain, is this the one your trial was with?

Best wishes


Hi all,

I just thought you'd be interested to know that we have a blog post on the potential therapeutic effects of cannabis on the Medium website. The post itself is by Claire Bale, who is the Head of Research Communications and Engagement here at Parkinson's UK and she goes into a lot of detail on the topic which you may find useful.

Do feel free to check it out here.

Many thanks,

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