New treatment

On Friday, December 21, 2018, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration approved Inbrija, an inhaled levodopa powder, for the treatment of “off” episodes when Parkinson’s symptoms are not well controlled with oral medication.

Here’s the link…


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Hello Dave I just read in a earlier post of someone else on this forum saying they couldn,t get a diabetes drug through your government healthcare. Well here in the states we always here that in England you have better care than we do. Health care is really dictated by money In America. Our insurance companies tell us what they will pay for. My experience that with the new drugs in the USA. Almost always takes yrs. to become generic before the insurance companies will pay any money for it. It takes years for the pharmicutical manufacturer to get thier big profits back. Only the rich that can pay the high cost getting the benefit of the new drugs. I am just giving you(IMO) an honest answer. It has happened to me. Hopefully Your Parliment is different and money has less influence on thier decisions.

It. takes years

Do you know where to buy inbrijia on internet that can be shipped in UK?

Hi Luca,

hope you are well. Sorry I don’t know the best place to get Inbrija, for people in the UK. Have you asked your neurologist yet, what did they say?


Hi Luca, I have just read some info on a pharmaceutical site which says that the drug Inbrija is now licensed for use in the UK but that the drugs company are holding off on a launch date for now. Perhaps you could as Dave333 suggests, check with your neurologist?
Hope this helps.

NOTE THE PRICE! I imagine any delay is not regulatory but centres round what sort of deal the NHS can strike with the manufacturer?