New User

Hi I’m new to this group just wanted to say Hi while I navigate my way I have Parkinsons and was diagnosed last year and have still not come to terms with this

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Hi Blue29,

We just wanted to take a moment to welcome you to our community forum. The operative word being ‘community’, as you will soon see as you get to know our members and learn how much valuable experience and wisdom they have to share. It’s not all bad news, we can assure you. Alongside people talking about their symptoms, discussing research, and supporting each other, you’ll find poetry, art, humor, photography, music, exercise and a wealth of other lifestyle tips.

Just so you’re aware we have a website dedicated to news and fundraising activities, among loads of other information, at We recommend this page as a good starting point: Newly diagnosed with Parkinson's | Parkinson's UK and we’d encourage you to make use of the search function to find data on all things Parkinsons-related. We also have a helpline on 0808 800 0303 which is staffed with knowledgeable advisors who are happy to assist with a range of needs, including finding medical (and other kinds of) support near you. Please feel welcome to reach out to them as you like.

With our warmest welcome,

Forum Moderator

Hello Blue29 … Welcome to the forum. I was diagnosed with Atypical Parkinson’s following a positive Datscan just over 1 year ago. Without the positive Datscan I too would not believe I have Parkinson’s.

My main issue is mobility … I can’t walk more than about 50 yards. I also have gait freezing which isn’t pleasant.

I am 70 years old & have just started using a walking cane.

Any questions do ask & any thoughts put them in writing.

Best of luck.

Hi Blue29,
I was thinking of saying welcome, but then it struck me that perhaps no one really wanted have PD, but welcome to our forum anyway.
Yea, it is a bit of a shock to hear the diagnosis, and you keep on saying to yourself, perhaps the doc has made an error which of course could happen, so always get a second diagnosis.
I must admit that when it was first mentioned, I thought what utter bullsh*te, and made an appointment with a neuro.
He confirmed it, so that was that.
And please know that all are welcome on the site and it really helps to talk to others who have PD, and although the symptoms differ for all, guarantee there will be someone going through it virtually the same way you are.
Que sera sera.

I’ve had Parkinsons for over 10 years now. Diagnosis confirmed when I was 49. I see the team at Queens Square every six months. When I was first diagnosed I spent a couple of months feeling sorry for myself but, I have to say, my PD ‘journey’ hasn’t been too bad so far. Fortunately I work from home so I can still make a living and although I conk out from time to time I still do pretty much everything I did before the diagnosis - albeit at a slightly more sedate pace! For what it’s worth my advice is tay positive, exercise as much as you can, and get out and do things - I’m off to Portugal tomorrow to spend a fortnight in a converted convent (a converted convent? with my reputation?). And, most important of all, don’t spend too long looking at websites and forums like this one. They attract some real miserable sods! Keep your pecker up and best of luck to you

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Makes perfect sense to me. :joy: :rofl: :sunglasses: