New with a big problem

Hello I’m new here and have been caring for my wife who has had Parkinsons for over 10 years. Recently this has become much more difficult with panic attacks, freezes, falls and strangely the need to change clothes several times a day often without the ability to do this herself. All of that I can just about manage but in the last year this has progressed t waking me up to ‘help’ between 3 and 8 times a night. I work away occasionally and now find it is just too hard for friends and family to cover. Pros are so expensive I can’t afford it. The good news was I was given 6 weeks respite care for her in a very good and expensive care home.
So on Friday I took her in and went to Saudi for a weeks work. I get a text from my sister that she has taken a taxi home! Because she has no filter she just expects the the neighbour will care for her. He has agreed to do tonight. My sister works. What do I do?

Hi @MVV,

I’m really sorry to hear about what you and your wife are going through. This seems like a rather complex situation and I think you’d be best speaking to our helpline about this. They can advise you on what to do and give helpful information - do give us a call on 0808 800 0303 as soon as you can.

We also have a page on our website with useful contacts for cares that you may also find helpful. You can find this information here -

Best wishes,
Forum Community Manager

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