Newcomers introduction

After three strokes, one which robbed her of the right hand sight, my wife experienced "leg freezing" She used to be a super typist, but I do the typing now, so as her carer I am the one most likely appear on line. The GP considered her to have stroke related Parkinsonsism. After several home visits from the Physiotherapist, she now attends (with my support) the local Parkinsons exercise group.

Her mobility is very restricted. Once she gets her legs moving she can walk with a roller walker on the level (we attend an excellent walk and talk group) though she needs supervising and has to stop now and then for a rest. A slight slope, slightly uneven surface and doorways cause her problems, as though she has a great chasm to cross. I know she would like to hear from anyone with similar problems and how they have been helped. (I would like to know why she can walk and do exercises in the kitchen at the work surfaces, but when she tries to move away, even with a trolley to hold on to, her legs freeze). Leg freezing has become worse and negotiating to sit on a chair at the table or get in and out of the car has become very difficult.
Hello Brenter and a warm welcome to the forum
This is an excellent place to find out more about Parkinson's from the people who know it best. You will find people from all walks of life and with experience of everything that matters to people with parkinson's (pwp) or their carers.

I don't know much about freezing myself but somebody else will be able to comment.

I hope you find the forum as supportive as I have done

Elegant Fowl