newly diagnosed

hello my husband had tremors from april last year but has soon has he came of a medication the neurogilst gave him for his slightlent headaches.the symptoms have gone he only had slight tremor in right hand.and slight nodding with head, but these seem to be stressed Related and weather related, all gone now.But the neurologist recommend he went for a Datscan.which he did,Well even though he has no symptoms at all the doctor said there was a abnormality on the Datscan.and that the medication my husband was taking could have opened the door for Parkinson’s but HOW hes not got any symptoms at all can this be a false im his wife its stressing me out i already have problems disability myself

Hello JDM,

Welcome to our community forum. As you await feedback from the community relating to your experience, we would encourage you to reach out to our free and confidential helpline on 0808 800 0303, and one of our friendly advisors can answer medical questions as well as offering other forms of support. You may also wish to peruse the main site, at, using the simple search function in the top right corner to find articles, news, research, and archived forum discussions on the subject of your choice.

We hope these tools can be of use, and with our warmest welcome,

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Hello JDM … I’m seventy years old & was diagnosed with Atypical Parkinson’s in
June 2023 following a positive datscan. We can have a positive datscan but not have Parkinson’s & vice versa.

My Parkinson’s symptoms are gait freezing which is troublesome.

You don’t say how old your husband is.

If he has no symptoms then don’t worry.

Best wishes

Hi steve hes 60 now last year he was taking Prochlorperazine but started with right thumb tremor but also slight head shake only when he was anxious and feeling stressed .the right thimb only happened in cold weather so our gp told him the medication was cauding drug related parkinsioms since april upto now all symptoms have gone he had Datscan said abnormal but hes not got any symptoms at all should we be asking for second opinion because im not convinced he has it

Hello JDM … It is brilliant that your husband has no symptoms. If someone has Parkinson’s then they are put on medication to treat the symptoms of Parkinson’s. If your husband has no symptoms then logically he cannot be treated. 60 is pretty young so plenty of time for an enjoyable life. Enjoy your lives together.

Best wishes

Hi thanks for reply i am so bricking it feel like he has been given a long sentence i know its not been reading on her guess its just emotional thoughts. He also is panacking.we are both active people we exercise wvery day 30 min treedmill 30 mins cardio healthy eating in fact hes alao managed to get rid of his rype 2 diabetes with a healthy diet just concerned when we see neurologist he lets just say its pd without symptoms im just concerned if medication is given would it bring on the symptoms?. Sorry to do the meds help everyone with slowling symptoms down sorry to ask because many of you on here have this and i think we just need reassurance thats its not all gloom omg im like do we need to change or prooerty im so stressed

Afternoon JDM … Everyone is different. Those of us with Parkinson’s might have different symptoms & react differently to the medication. No one is forcing anyone to take the Parkinson’s medication. If it were me & I had no Parkinson’s symptoms I would not take the medication as there are side effects. Worrying does not help anyone, try not to worry.

Best wishes

Thanks for reply hes drives so because he has no symptoms and does love driving do we have to inform dvla even though no symptoms sorry for questions i dont like to google

Hi JDM … I’m not qualified to give such advice. Why not give the helpline here a ring.
0808 800 0303

Best wishes

Hi found this on husbands records from go

Even hes not convinced

also i forgot to mention my husband for the last 30 years it does run in his family suffers from restless leg syndrome and for over 10 years hes been taking ropinrole to help with the restless leg syndrome,then it was un licensed and on reading on this website i found this too which our neurologist should have picked up on this
so now im putting this abnormal scan result down too RLS becuase that too makes dopamine loss on the brain show has abnormal
We don’t know for certain why RLS happens.

It can be linked to a chemical in the brain called dopamine. Dopamine is important for helping you move.

If nerve cells in the brain become damaged, the amount of dopamine is reduced, which can lead to muscle spasms and involuntary movements. More research is needed to work out the exact relationship between dopamine and RLS symptoms.
You might have RLS for a reason unrelated to Parkinson’s.
SSo im going to pull the neurologist on this because i think hes forgot my husband suffers from RLS for the last 30 years and thats why abnormal dat scan shows loss of dopamine

Hi Steve.

Not all people will get side effects from taking PD medications.



Hi Douglas … I wonder if much research has been done on this. I have had side effects from the first 3 Parkinson’s drugs I tried.

Best wishes

You will find that as part of drug authorisation then the issue of possible side effects is considered and continuously so during the use of a drug (yellow card scheme). Side effects are only ever “possible” and people will not necessarily get them. Major side effects often lead to particular warnings on the packaging or in the patient information leaflet. Research may be commissioned to further look at serious side effects.
Some side effects presumed to be caused by drugs used are actually a symptom of the disease - like REM-sleep Behaviour Disorder.

