I am amazed to stumble across this in The Guardian...4 days to respond!
Has PDUK responded on behalf of PWP?
I do hope so as there is much to highlight..
"The government is apparently very keen to hear our views on the proposed NHS mandate. But you’d better be quick; you have until 23 November to comment. And if you’re wondering how you missed such an important opportunity to comment on the future of the NHS, you’re not alone. Critics say the Department of Health has deliberately kept it quiet, with little publicity and only a month for the public to comment since the launch in October.
As chair of a trust, I’m speaking out. The NHS is headed for financial ruin
Christopher Smallwood
Read more
The mandate’s important. In its own words: “The mandate to NHS England sets the government’s objectives for NHS England, as well as its budget.” It “sets direction for the NHS, and helps ensure the NHS is accountable to parliament and the public”. A fresh mandate has to be published every year “to ensure that NHS England’s objectives remain up to date”. A new mandate is due to be published following the completion of the spending review, to take effect from April 2016. There’s a consultation document that sets out how the government proposes to set the mandate to NHS England for this parliament. And it’s this document that we’re invited to respond to."
Thank you for highlighting this article in the forum. I'm not sure whether Parkinson's UK has responded yet on behalf of people with Parkinson's, but someone from the Campaigns Team will be able to clarify this when they're back in the office next week.
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I noticed about empowering sufferers too make or take part in decisions about their treatment which is a Good thing & also about medication the differences in branded & generic, we are often prescribed one medication by Neuro or PD nurse but at the point when the prescription or change reaches the Gp practice & pharmacy their budget constraints do mean we are sometimes issued cheaper generic medication I have noticed the difference in effectiveness myself that upset's one but also effectiveness of the other medication taken.