No tears

Hi all new here, not formally diagnosed as yet, dat scan later in year and have most symptoms apart from a resting tremor, i am just curious if there is anyone else out there who hasn’t shed a tear with parkinsons. Let me explain, before i started getting noticeable symptoms certain music, film scenes or stories i would get sentimental and blubber and being a bloke im not afraid to say bit i havent since the symptoms. If anyone else has experienced this would love to hear.

Hi Ally,
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I have this symptom every day. And although I have been a sensitive man in the past, different events including music, meeting people, even the news makes me overwhelmed and I cry.
I think it is hyposensitivity and not sure how it relates to PD.
I am seeing a neuropsychiatrist this week. But the feeling of being overwhelmed is a difficult to live with.
I also get easily agitated, poor attention and live with constant nightmares and poor sleep.
I am very happy to chat further.

Hello Ally,
I think something similar is happened to me. I noticed that I have less compassion when someone is sick or when someone die in older age, I always think: “He lived his 80 years pretty good, and what will happen to me?” Before my diagnosis I was very sensitive to people who suffers. Now I feel like anyone’s problems are easier than mine.