Non responsiveness - unable to wake

My husband was diagnosed 17 years ago and for the last three has been unable to stand, turn over in bed, feed himself or use his hands for other purposes. His speech is often unintelligible and he suffers from nightmares and hallucinations. A few days ago he became completely non-responsive during the day for more than six hours then woke up and ate and drank but otherwise seemed very confused and his speech is particularly bad. The doctor can offer no explanation as he does not appear to have an infection and his ‘vital signs’ are normal. Has any one else experience of this? Can a professional offer and explanation? While he was non responsive I was told he might not regain consciousness which was shocking.

Hi Dawn,

We’re very sorry to hear your husband is struggling so. Our community may have some insights to share, but we would also encourage you to reach out to our helpline on 0808 800 0303. One of the many services they provide is finding additional medical options local to you, and they are always happy to help.

Edit: My apologies, Dawn, I wrote ‘dad’ when I intended ‘husband’. I’ve corrected it.

With our warmest welcome,

Forum Moderator

Hi Dawn-Clare A warm welcome to the forum, so sorry to read about your husband, i was diagnosed in 2010, and i must addmit I have not had anything like your hubby is going through. If you have a PD nurse can you get in touch with her/him you certainly need some help and like Jason says do get in touch with Parkinson’s UK Help line. If it were my hubby I would pester my GP i would not leave the surgery untill I had an answer, The other thing i would do so I could speak to someone is 111 just for some help. I do hope that I have not gone too far, but this is just my opintion and thinking if it was my husband what I would do.

Thank you for your reply. I did phone the Parkinsons Nurse and left a message but no-one got back to me. My husband is in a Nursing Home so there is a Nurse on call for emergencies. I was told by the 111 Doctor he might not come round at all, but he did although he is very up and down and has not got back to his previous level. He is getting a lot of hallucinations and nightmares.

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Hello Jason,

Thank you for your advice. If he becomes non-responsive again I will use the phone number you provided. He has had periods of becoming ‘absent’ though appearing to be awake from time to time so maybe this is just a progression of his condition.


If you feel your HWP is/ has not being/ been given the attention to his condition that occurred etc look at the website

I’ve used it twice and received good replies.

Hi Dawn

Sorry pressed wrong button Hi Dawn-Clare please don’t give up. It must be very hard for you, but remember you are not alone. The PD nurse sometimes can take 2/3 days to get back to you . We are lucky as living in Nottingham we have 4 PD nurses. Do lets members (Friends) know what is going off. Members sometimes are a while before the long on, so there must be some one out there with what you are going though. Also have you tried Adult Social Services I found them a great help. You will find there number at your local council office, Stay Safe
