Nose running

My husband has PD and Alzheimer’s the only problem at the moment is whenever he eats his nose runs (rhinorrhea) anyone out there that has a answer to this problem? He was diagnosed in 2018.

I’m 48, diagnosed a couple of years back. I also get a runny nose when I eat. I put it down to Losartan which I take for my high BP.

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I was diagnosed with PD 15 months ago and I always have a runny nose when I eat. Does any one know why this happens?

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I’ve had this problem for at least 10 years now, although I was only diagnosed with PD a year ago. It only happens if I am enjoying the food I was eating :thinking:. Never associated the problem with PD before though. GP prescribed Avamys for this which seems to reduce how often this occurs.

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Good morning Rainyday
Firstly a big welcome to the forum. It is a great place to meet and speak to other carers who are caring for a loved one with PD.
My husband was diagnosed 4yrs ago with PD and 6 moths later with Dementia (which is now moderate) He also has a runny nose but the problem I have is that he isn’t always aware of it. I’m constantly glancing at him to check. I’ve asked Ian if he’s aware of his nose running but he assures me he doesn’t. Just another Parkinsonism! I’m going to speak to PD nurse on Tuesday and I’ll let you know any suggestions she has. I’m not keen on any further meds (he takes 28 tabs per day)but if they will definitely help then we will consider it.
Have a lovely day.


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I have had the same problem for a few years. There was a post about this from a lady in the USA a while ago. Their medication is a little different to ours, but I looked up what she was using, and the UK equivalent is Nasacort. I shall ask my doctor about it at my next appointment. Hope it helps…

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