Numbness in hands

My Dad has been diagnosed with Parkinsons for a few years now and has recently started to get extreme and painful pins and needles in his hands. One hand has now also swollen. The pain is worse of a night. We have contacted the GP to make an appointment but wondered if others had also experienced this and whether there was anything you found helpful to relieve the symptoms?



Hi Katie and welcome to the forum, sorry to hear about your Dad…

This is something I suffer from a bit, toes and fingers, I find keeping them moving helps but at night this is impossible to do so Parkinson’s Nurse upped my slow release dose at night which seems to be helping, or at least it helps me to move when I wake in pain.

Does your Dad have a number/email for Parkinson’s Nurse? I quickly cottoned on that the GP is not the best for such things, in fact I don’t think I have ever contacted the GP for PD related issues, I phone and leave a message or email the address for PD/Neurology at my local hospital and they get back to me. This is offered to all PD patients I don’t know if this is how all hospitals work.

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Thank you so much for your really helpful message. I’ll share with my dad, I’m sure he will be really grateful to you for sharing your experience. We have made contact with the Parkinson’s nurse and have also requested an appointment with the consultant as the last 2 appointments have unfortunately been cancelled last minute. Thanks again and hope you are ok.

That works for me too. I awoke with fidgety legs, arms, hands and mild tingling at times. My CR co-careldopa overnight was doubled. Sleep is much improved

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Hi, I have been prescribed amitriptyline ( 2x10mg) . I take it at night before going to bed. It helps with the neuropathy in my feet and hands . Most nights I get a good sleep.