My husband has been having horrific hallucinations for the last 3 months having had PD for 8 years . He’s come off ropinorole - and is now taking rivastigmine plus sinemet . to control Parkinson’s symptoms . In my research I’ve come across Nuplazid as a drug prescribed specifically for Parkinson’s hallucinations . Our psychiatrist said she’d never heard of it ! Is anyone being prescribed this and have they had any beneficial results ?
I’m not sure where in the world you are based but I don’t think it’s been approved for use in the UK (yet) which may be why your doctor hasn’t heard of it, especially as brand names may be different.
Hi @Strider,
I think you should speak to your husband’s neurology consultant if the psychiatrist hasn’t heard of the drug. As other Mountainair mentioned, it may not yet be available in the UK. You are also welcome to call the helpline and request a callback from a nurse adviser for more support on this. Please give us a call on 0808 800 0303.
Best wishes,