One Meal A Day

For many years, I have been trying lose weight and failing miserably. There is a great deal of disinformation. A few months ago, I found out about ketogenic diets and fasting.

After a lot of experimentation reducing carbohydrate input and varying mealtimes, I decided to try One Meal A Day (OMAD). I prepare my meals from basic ingredients, I avoid and starchy foods or sugar. I eat my meal at 11.00 am and do not eat anything until the same time the following day. I drink black coffee.

I am now within 4 kilos of my ideal weight. I do not suffer from cravings - I can walk passed a plate of cakes or biscuits and not be tempted in the slightest, a glorious freedom. I may sometimes feel a bit hungry, but I just ignore it because I am in control, not my cravings.

If I want a beer one evening, I’ll have one. If I want a pizza one evening, I’ll eat one. If I am out with friends, I’ll eat whatever they are eating. But the following day, I shall go back to eating one meal per day.

I am newbie here. I don’t know much about weight loss. But I have heard a little about few supplements which helps to decrease weight. Did you try them?

Hi Garfield
I’m Tommy welcome to the forum I’m afraid I’m no expert on anything to do with weight loss or Parkinsons for that matter as I only have symptoms but no definite diagnosis yet . But don’t give up posting your questions because there will be someone who can provide you with the information you need and if not then try the helpline or your PD nurse if you have one.
Also keep playing on the social club as it helps with insomnia or even just boredom , whatever you need.
Best of luck Tommy :pill::pill::pill:

okey! Thanks!

A large number of epidemiological studies report an inverse, dose-responsive relationship between coffee/caffeine consumption and the risk of developing PD. Coffee consumption appears to reduce or delay the development of PD and caffeine is most likely the causal factor. In women, however, the interaction between caffeine and hormonal therapy still needs further clarification.Also need to use quality coffee maker for safety.

Hey Weldon my mum with other health issues she also takes steroids has. Been doing it two years she does it for health now how ever is stil losing when I tried it i noticed more energy i just can’t stockist it sorry stick at it

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I apologize for bringing this old thread up again.

Is OMAD diet compatible with Indian food and recipes?

Is it possible (with Indian recipes) to incorporate all necessary nutrients in a single meal?

I’m particularly interested in following OMAD diet with vegetarian Indian food.

I don’t see a reason why it wouldn’t be compatible with Indian food and recipes. Still, know that you people are different and not all diets work for everyone.

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Okay. Actually I’m interested in hearing individual experience of people who have tried it.

I’ve done OMAD for a few months and ate WHATEVER, including some indian food and I felt fine, that’s the good bit of this diet, you can let yourself eat whatever you crave.

I have to add that after losing a good chunk of body weight, then stopped this diet I’ve put about 40% of my lost weight right back onto me

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Thanks for sharing your experience. A recently conducted study has linked intermittent fasting with increase in cardiovascular diseases.

Results of a study presented at the association’s conference in Chicago this week revealed that adults following an eight-hour time-restricted eating schedule have a 91% higher chance of death by cardiovascular disease than those eating within the usual timeframe of 12–16 hours per day.

Well that is no fun, I guess I was lucky I only did it for 2 months heh

I tried fasting yesterday. Is 2 hours beneficial? :rofl::rofl::rofl:. Not for me I’m afraid although I am trying to cut down on portion size :wink:

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