Ongentys (Opicapone) medication

My specialist has put me on this medication as well as Sinemet and Sinemet Plus and he said to take it at 7pm and it wasn’t relevant if I ate before or after. However on Internet sources it says to take on an empty stomach. Are there any others who are taking this medication who could clarify for me please?
Thank you - Robin

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I have also been advised to take Opicopone at 7 O ‘ Clock, which means no Levadopa or Food between 6 and 8. This cuts across what has been our supper time for decades. Furthermore the Opicopone info leaflet advises that it is taken at night-time. Does anybody know why 7:00 has been advised?

Hi AER. I have received in todays post, a prescription for Opicapone From my Parkinsons nurse. At the moment I take Entacapone ( no benefit ) with each dose of Sinemet.The nurse tells me to stop taking Entacapone and start Opicapone once a day at 7.00pm (one hour before my last Sinemet plus.). I am trying to contact our parkinsons nurse as my final sinemet is actually at 10.00pm ( sinemet cr). This would mean taking opicapone at 9.00pm. I don’t Know why they choose 9.00pm! I will let you know what happens.

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