Opicapone and Levadopa reduction

Good afternoon

Finally managed to wean myself off the Ropinerole

Went to see my PD nurse and my QE neurologist

Both suggested OpiCapone

My main problem was prolonged Off I Fog moment, which sometimes lasted the whole of my medicine period (2.5 hours)

Plus either end of the medicine interval were getting longer

I was also having extreme behaviour episodes- you can guess which ones!

Finally some progress… I have managed to sleep for 7 hours for first time in 5 years and I don’t feel like I’m pinned to the bed.

Extreme fatigue and lack of coordination also lessoned. I could literally jump out of bed in the morning and get changed

Dosage timetable:

8 am 25/100 Co careldopa plus 100g of safinamide
11.00AM till 8 pm (on every 3 hours)
0830 pm Mirabegron
11:pm 2 * 25/100 slow release Levadopa


Movicol: every other day
Aprinol: once a week
Ashtrovastin statin : once a week

Any other suggestions to the Levadopa timetable?

Should we assume more dopamine is now getting to the brain as a result of the OPICAPONE and we should reduce that from 25/100 to 12. 5/50?


Hi vinny, my hwp was on a very similar regime meds wise when opicapone was introduced( about 1yr ago now). He didnt change the dosage of his levodopa med(madopar), but reduced the timings during day to every 4hrs. He is still on the early dose, and overnight long acting tab. This regime worked for him quite well. Giving him more on time. No increased side effects. However he has big issues with dietry interactions, he has to keep protien well away from med times , as much as possible, while still trying to maintain a decent level of nutrition. Everyone will be different. We have found overtime that daily assessment of symptoms/ diet/ bowel function/ is necssary! Then monitoring the potential side effects! He is on 2mg ropinerole still, any more than that and he had all the side effects of dopamine agonists…i feel we are experts in its management now, though it remains variable every day. Hope that helps