Recently diagnosed and have had Orthostatic Hypotension probably for a couple of years. Also my worst Parkinson’s symptom is Fatigue. Have done my research I see that fatigue is also a symptom of Orthostatic Hypotension so I am wondering if anyone else has this and did medication correct it. I am awaiting an appointment with a Parkinson’s nurse at the moment to discuss medication as all I take at the moment is a laxative.
I had a similar symptoms before overt Parkinon’s symptoms. The orthostatic hypotension probably won’t get bettter (it’s also a side effect of medications) however it didn’t get worse with meds for me. What did improve is my fatigue, my speed of movement, my stiffness and my ability to concentrate and think clearly for prolonged periods of time.
hope that helps
Hi @Rob28 were you diagnosed by your neurologist? I am just wondering why he/she did not also prescribe medication for you. My neurologist has done all my diagnosing and initial prescribing.
Thanks Podd thats great to know the fatigue could go with meds and OH no worse. Hope to be on in meds in couple of months.
Hi Douglas. Yes a Neurologist diagnosed me and we had a whole 15 minutes with him to ask questions and talk about meds. I decided not to bother for now but now regretting the snap decision I had to make. Due to see Parkinson’s nurse in next couple of months to discuss meds again and I will then go on them.
I have a regular appointment with my neurologist every 4 months. He prescribes all my medication.
Think I am to see mine something similar in future but it seems Parkinson’s nurse is my next step and they can prescribe too. Maybe its different in different parts of the country.
Podd if you dont mind me asking, what medication and amount are you on please?
Orthostatic hypotension and fatigue are common symptoms in people with Parkinson’s. Medications like midodrine and fludrocortisone can help manage orthostatic hypotension. Hydration, compression stockings, dietary changes, and lifestyle adjustments can also be beneficial. Consult with your healthcare provider for a personalized treatment plan.
I saw my neuro every 3 months since diagnosis 15 years ago but have recently agreed to move to every 4 months. If I need to see him outside the timeframe then I just contact his secretary. I have never had a PD Nurse Specialist but have no need.
I don’t mind, I’ve started on Co-beneldopa which made a huge difference. There used to be worries about starting l-dopa early in young patients but that has been shown to be false and it’s very effective. You’re likely to be on a low side to start off. I’m very active so my doses have gone up quickly. As my fatigue improved my exercise went up and I needed more. Currently I’m on Co-beneldopa four times a day and pramipexol. I’m having entacapone added in to help with wearing off. Even with the wearing off my last year on medications has been my best year in the last 6 years. (Not diagnosed prior to that).
I manage the hypotension by getting up slowly and sitting down or slumping to the floor if I need to . There are medications that can help too and stockings.
Most people are lucky to see a neurologist once a year. Most of your drug adjustments will be done by the PD nurse. They are very good.