Other health problems and Parkinsons

My grandma has just been told that she needs heart surgery. She has parkinsons which is progressing steadily but more symptoms are becoming apparent as she ages, she is 90. The heart surgery that has been suggested is Tavi. Has anyone had this before with good recovery. With her parkinsons it takes her a while to process things, so something this major is quite a lot for her to take in, so trying to gather as much info for her as possible to help her understand.

Hi. I’m not sure how much information you’ve been given or looked at, but a TAVI procedure is usually suggested when someone needs an aortic valve replacement but is not well enough to have heart valve surgery. There is more information for patients about it on the British Heart Foundation website here https://www.bhf.org.uk/informationsupport/treatments/tavi

Best wishes to you & your grandma.

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