
Good morning, this is my first post. My mum was diagnosed with PD in July this year, she also has COPD. I was a real battle during shielding her to get support that led to her diagnosis.

We are struggling to get assessments in place for her and we don’t have a care package yet.

She seems to be deteriorating rapidly. In 12 months, her mobility has gone from walking her dog 3 times a day to barely leaving the house because of her balance issues, shuffling gait and dizziness. I am always trying to boost her confidence and get her out. Her neighbours are wonderful and trying too,

Anyway, yesterday my mum and a neighbour went for their regular short walk to the local park. Her neighbour asked her to wait in the park for a few mins whilst she went to the ATM.

Panic ensued when she returned to find my mum had wandered off. To cut a long story short, others helped my mum get home and her neighbour told my mum how worried she was and asked what had happened. My mum had no recollection of them having been in the park,

I am no sure how to bring this up with my mum today and not sure if this is something to expect with PD. Any insights or advice would be most welcome.

Hi, not sure how much advice I can give but my Father has also deteriated rapidly also. He flips from being normal self to not knowing where the bathroom is in a house he’s been in for 36 years. I just try and talk to him as honestly as I can, try and get to understand where he is and what’s going on. It’s scary and overwhelming at times. I’ve started hiding the car keys and tripple locking the doors at night as this seems to be when he is at his worst. Often he won’t be able to recall an incident but the more I can engage him in the situation honestly and frankly, I hope the more he will think about things but also feel he can discuss things openly without feeling silly or foolish.

Hi @Macharte and welcome to the forum, from the off, everyone who has Parkinsons is different meaning that we’re not under one label, there are so many aspects to the disease. I mentioned to @Rayjaysonic about contacting the Neurologists Secretary about medication or asking your GP Surgery if there’s a Parkinsons Nurse in your area who will be able to offer help in your plight. In the meantime, if her friends take her out again they must not leave her alone for one second. I hope this helps in some way, should you need anymore advice this is the place to be as we’re all friendly and helpful. I wish you well.


Your father’s situation sounds very serious. I think, at a minimum, the car keys should be taken, not hidden. Is he living alone? If so, it might be time to consider a more supervised and safe living situation. These are difficult discussions to have (I’m having similar talks with my husband and driving) but the consequences of doing nothing could be devastating. Your father is lucky to have you looking out for him.