Parkinson’s Dementia

My dad was diagnosed three years ago with Parkinson’s. Over the last 6 months he has declined rapidly, limited mobility and he also has dementia. He is becoming very difficult to deal with
My mum doesn’t want any help but the dementia is severe and my dad has become aggressive and difficult to care for.
Any idea for where she can receive extra
help with care.

Hello and welcome to the forum @Sarahturn. This is a supportive and friendly place and I’m sure our members will be along to say hi soon.

I’m sorry to hear about your dad’s decline and how difficult it’s become to take care of him. It’s certainly a challenge when things go this way and it must be worrying and exhausting for both of you. Have you spoken to his GP or Parkinson’s nurse about this yet? They may be able to help you access some resources. As well our helpline advisers can talk to you about this if you call them on 0808 800 0303.

I’d also encourage you to read about dementia here. Most importantly, you need to take care of yourself and help your mother with this too. Caring for someone with Parkinson’s is a big job and can be very difficult. We have information about this here.

We hope all this information will be of some help and hope that you find the support you need right now.

Best wishes,
Forum Moderation Team