Parkinson's Exercise Classes

PD Classes in Outpatient Setting
I'm a rotational B6 working in an outpatient neuro rehab department in South London and am currently carrying out an audit on our PD class in the hope of improving the content and it's effectiveness. I would be interested to find out what outcome measures other people use in their classes and how the classes are run in terms of content, frequency, and exercises.
We currently run a six week course of education and circuit exercises which included balance, mobility and corse stability. We use the Lindop, PDQ 39 and functional reach. We find that the patients are often scoring highly on the Lindop even before classes start and therefore this shows very little improvement in patients function post classes.
I would be grateful for any feedback about other PD exercise groups being run or even any advice about more appropriate outcome measures and class content.
Thanks for you help
Welcome Physio84
Its great to see you here. I'm not sure how many healthcare professionals come here but I'd like to see more. I hope the forum can help you in your work.

I see a physio every day but that is because I'm married to her - not for Parkinson's issues.

Elegant Fowl
As a PD person, as you will know, it can be quite an effort to make it out to an exercise class depending on how we are feeling, not to mention that my PD makes me very poor at following the instructor. I feel that a good outcome would be for each person to come away knowing what exercises to do and how to do them properly so that they can have a daily exercise routine at home, 15 minutes helps me. In France we have one-to-one physiotherapy and she taught me exercises. I hope you get some answers to the specific questions asked, as PB says, this site does not seem to be much read by physios.
Meant Elegant Fowl, sorry.
isnt a rotational B6 a type of pencil?
posh bird, elegant fowl, are they somehow related?
!sounds like it. I thought you were going to tell us about your exercises Turnip.
Hi Pysio84

I work In a very busy hospital in Cottingham near Hull as a Portering Supervisor With Pd for 12yrs now and have only seen a physio in the last two months. They could not help me or teach how I cope with my Pd I think I do a pretty good job at self help and adapting to my surroundings and what ever the day throws at me. Not heard of any lindop PdQ 39 and function reach would like to hear more info.

Hi Pysio.

I'm in Hull and was dx 12 years ago, I wonder if we use the same neuro team? Might be worth our swapping notes/experiences/opinions?

PM me if you think it may be useful.


Sorry, last message was for SHAKEYRG
i have been doing exercises recently actually - i bought 2 x 3kg weights and do slow lifts and stretches with them. I have found them to be efficacious.they take about 4 minutes and I do them 3 times a day, plus some leg exercises. at least i feel i am doing something to counter the stiffness etc.
ps i have to agree with polly that it is better to teach people how to exercise at home. my personal preference is for short sessions several times per day rather than long sessions once or twice per week,especially if it is for keeping stiffness at bay.
what i want to know is an aerobic exercise that doesnt involve repetitive movements in the ankles or knees.
I'm in West London and for the last three months I've been going to a Parkinsons exercise class for one hour every week. We exercise to music, first half hour sitting down and then standing (for those that can manage) this is dance based. I feel it does me a lot of good, not least because I really enjoy it. The class is also connected to other PD groups that I attend and I've made lots of friends (we all adjourn to the cafe for a cuppa and a good natter after the class). I've always tried to dance whenever possible at home (very badly, no doubt!) I'm sure it must be good exercise. :grin:
Hello Physio84

I have only been dx with PD for 8 wks but from Nov 2011 I was stiff as a plank, could hardly bend and barely manage to walk half a mile. Having always been fit and active I determined to do something about it.

I walked 4 times a week and tried to walk a bit further each time, even if it was only 50m. This was incredibly hard to do but perseverance has paid off and I can manage 9 miles occasionally and average 14 miles a week.

As regards the stiffness I did and still do twisting and bending exercises at home every day ( even if it is just for 5 mins on a bad day ). I started to loosen up slowly but the thing that really sped things up was my partner bought me 10 sessions on our local Toning Tables. I was very sceptical at first but these have worked wonders and along with regular twisting,bending and stretching at home my body is transformed with only occasional muscular stiffness and aches that readily free out.

In addition to this I started a yoga class once a week in March to try and extend my range of movement. I am still doing a 1 hr session every week on the Toning Tables slowly increasing the rate they workout the body.

So far I have not done anything with weights or at a gym.

I hope that these ramblings are of some help to you.

Best of luck

Hi Physio84. As a patient I have undergone a course of Physiotherapy at the Rehab Unit, Nottingham City Hospital. I cannot speak highly enough of the knowledgeable, caring staff in his unit which I am sure speaks for itself in the units results. They are a credit to the N.H.S. and I wish all pwp could benefit from similar facilities.

If you would like to E-mail me personally I will give you the contact details.
Hi Physio 84
My husband has pd and had heart stents and so a course of class exercises followed. He too found them difficult to follow. He seemed confused and distracted by the other class members so I was allowed to join in and he followed me and I could also help with them at home. We do a range of exercises now at home and find them very helpful. On a personal level I find it satisfying to be able to do something helpful for my OH.
Good to see a physio so aware of the problems of PDs
Thank you
Hi i am presently preparing to audit own classes. For outcome measures we have used 180 degree turn, tragus to wall measurement and TUG. Hope this is of some help.
The toning table sounds interesting. Has anyone tried the Power Plate - am thinking about trying.