Parkinson's medication

Hi, my dad was diagnosed with Vascular Parkinsons coming up to two years ago (he’s now 76 and has always been very fit and healthy prior to a mini stroke when the parkinsons was diagnosed). He has been on Madopar the whole time.
I was watching a programme on TV (fictional) which included a character who had Parkinsons and was on a drug which stopped his tremors and it made me think about dad’s medication and that his tremors have got worse rather than better so now I’m wondering what Madopar is doing, if anything.
Looking it up on the NHS site it says it can help with tremors which it obviously isn’t, so is there a drug anyone else is taking that has helped with their tremors? I know it doesn’t necessarily mean it will work with dad but we’re meeting with his consultant on Friday so it would be helpful to have some suggestions we could take to her, although she will hate us suggesting anything because she has been such an unhelpful consultant (I’ve been on the forum before about her but dad’s got his head in the sand a bit about Parkinsons and is reluctant to change consultants - not because he thinks she’s a good consultant, but is basically unenthusiastic about anything to do with Parkinsons…).
Would appreciate any advice.

Good afternoon … I’m 70 & on Co-careldopa also known as Sinemet, I find this helps me. I tried Madopar but did not get on with it so I stopped.

Best wishes

If you don’t mind me asking, how has it helped?

I play indoor bowls … while on Madopar I would play one day & then be unable to play for 2 or 3 days. Now I’m on Sinemet I seem to be able to play every day. My problem is “gait freezing” and shaking with poor balance. I’m certainly not symptom free but I feel more in control of my movement.


Thanks, Steve, that’s useful to know.

I would add that with Sinemet I have had bad sleep issues. Nightmares, can’t sleep,
REM movement etc … I’m on pills for that now.

A case of "Which would you rather … "

But we are all different, some get these unwelcome add on’s & some don’t.

Best wishes

Bless you Steve. Sounds a bit like ‘Whack-a-mole’ - hit one symptom down and another pops up.

I was diagnosed in March last year and have been on co-careldopa (aka Sinamet) and whilst my tremor is still minor, it has helped a little. I am certainly no worse in that regard, almost a year down the line.
Fortunately I am not getting any of the negative impacts that Steve mentions.
I would certainly ask the consultant whether its possible to try other options.

I am also on Bisoprolol which can also cause these sleep problems. I get A Fib attacks when I tried stopping the Bisoprolol which are Beta Blockers. My Parkinson’s Nurse thinks Sinemet is the most likely cause. But who knows.


Thanks Jim.

Vascular parkinsonism (VP) is a disorder that results from brain damage such as a stroke. It accounts for anywhere from 4 to 12 percent of all parkinsonism cases. VP has a different cause than Parkinson’s Disease but it looks very similar so the two disorders can be confused.
Treatment for VP focuses on improving symptoms and reducing risk. Your doctor may prescribe levodopa but studies have shown that it may not be effective for most people living with VP.1

Difficulty with walking and balance can increase your likelihood of falls so your doctor may recommend physical or occupational therapy. This can strengthen your muscles to reduce your fall risk.1

Finally, your doctor will work with you to reduce your risk factors. Decreasing tobacco use, high blood pressure, and high cholesterol can improve your vascular health. Increasing your daily activity may also improve your vascular health and increase your muscle strength.

Hope this helps


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