Parkinsonscare Charity

Has anyone used or know about parkinsons care? they appear with this site to be the two main sources of support and advice for parkinsons in the UK.

Can anyone advise on what they offer?

Parkinson’s UK
I have had PD since 2010 I have found Parkinsons UK my life line from asking Questions / Having days when I was able to raise donations /advice with out being judged/ speaking to a PD nurse if you can’t get in touch with your own.]/ and much much more.

Sorry miss read the question but any advice from them you should follow up. They are your go-between and help in every way they can.

Hi I have had pd for 18 years and needed varying hours and needs in time
It has come to that to point where my family feel they cay no longer emotionally or physically or mentally look after me
Even with professional carers coming into my home up to 4,times a day
I don’t know how they exactly feel about it all as, they cannot sit down and talk about the situation calmly and and methodically going forward

It has all come to that the point of the where my husband does the best he can for the me with his determination and his deteriorate health
. Then there’s our son who hasn’t said a word to me at all in over a month
ALL because. I spoke to social services. Myself
I I think that’s the reason any way? I I know that both my husband and son have a meeting with social services on Wednesday next week
.i did hear my husband say that’s when they will take her a way
What does he mean by that. He knows full well I don’t want to go into a home.

He makes me feel unloved and unwanted and I feel like I am scs&d about what’s going to happen with me.

I f3el like it’s 2 people onto 1 bullying me about something I cannot control. I do have all my mind together. I it’s just my body that’s letting me down.

Is th3re anyone who can advise please from a professional perspective


Thanks for joining our forum to speak about your situation, @Julie34. It’s very brave of you to speak out and share your story here. We’re so sorry. This sounds like a very distressing situation and it’s not hard to imagine how scared and helpless you must feel. Our friendly forum members might have thoughts and experiences to talk to you about.

You don’t have to feel alone, Julie. I’d strongly advise if you don’t feel you can talk to your husband and son about your fears that you try speaking to your GP, but also to our advisers as soon as our lines open at the beginning of the week. You can reach them on 0808 800 0303 from Monday 9am. If it’s difficult to talk, we have a text relay service on 18001 0808 800 0303.

If you feel overwhelmed and need to speak to someone who can listen before Monday, Samaritans are there for you any time of night or day on 116 123.

We appreciate that right now you’re struggling and are fearful and want you to know that we’re here to support you. Please do update us on how things go and we wish you all the very best for this week :blue_heart:

Forum Moderation Team

Hi Julie just thinking from your post I also have hubby and 2 sons when we had a problem, I would get us all together and have a discussion say it all then you will know how they are thinking and they will know what you are think , it helps. I don’t know if you ever saw the advert about real phones it was a bird called Buzzby he used to pick up the phone and say!!! IT’S GOOD TO TALK???

Ring around for as much advice and support as possible. GP, Parkinsons nurse, Parkinsons UK, County Social Services, Admiral Nurses, Age UK, etc. Your Parkinsons experience is unique to you, but your family is also affected and may not see things in the same way. You are an independent adult, and your health and safety should be overseen by social services if your family is unable to help. Noone can be legally compelled to take care of someone else.