Partners first appt

Diagnosed with an essential tremor and reduced swing in one arm when walking. Not definitively Parkinson’s yet… but wants him back in 6 months. Has anyone here started off in this way please?

Hi, reduced arm swing and right hand tremor were my main symptoms 2 years ago ( my writing got smaller and I had reduced sense of smell and taste as well). I was advised to return 6 months later and got and MRI that was normal. My tremor worsened and I was given a Datscan which showed abnormalities and it was only then that I got diagnosed with Parkinsons 18 months after the initial appointment. I am now on Co-careldopa 25/100 three times a day but my tremors are not stopped by this medication so hoping for more recommendations at my next appointment in Feb. Regards, Martin

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Thank you, it’s like you 2 are twins! It’s the waiting game I don’t like… I hope you get some more answers soon.

Hi Loulou,

My symptoms were exactly the same, also diagnosed with essential tremors 6months prior to PD diagnosis. I wasn’t aware of the small handwriting link, I just thought my writing was bad because I didn’t write often. Lately though having a few minor speech problems, not on any meds yet.

Essential tremor is not a Parkinson’s Disease symptom. The Parkinson’s Disease tremor is a resting tremor whereas Essential Tremor is an active tremor. That said, a reduced arm swing is a frequent symptom of Parkinson’s Disease. My symptoms are REM-Sleep Behaviour Disorder, resting tremor, some cogwheel rigidity along with loss of right arm swing. I have been on Stalevo (generic version being Sastravi) since diagnosis about 15 years ago.



I also have left hand tremor, stiffness down the left side and speech trouble that manifests as a stammer, diagnosed dp 3 months ago.