PD face to face meets

Has or does anyone use group meets face to face thinking of going to my first one this month just wounded if it has helped anyone I am not an open person and keep a lot to myself but thought this might be a way of letting that go,
you feed back would be welcomed Peter

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Hello Peterb1951
I think if you want to give face2face groups a go, then do. You are not obliged to divulge anything about yourself you don’t wish to and other members of the group should be sensitive to and respect that. On the other hand and reading between the lines, maybe you are beginning to feel a need to be more open about your Parkinson’s at any rate, and this may well be easier when amongst a group of people you don’t know and who don’t know you - no pre-conceived views on either side. As to whether it helps some will say it does others not; that is something only you will know and partly depends on your definition of ‘helps’ and, I think, how much you are prepared to meet someone half way. So we come full circle - how much you are prepared to be open about yourself and your own circumstances will have an effect on those to whom you are speaking and serve to continue the conversation or not as the case may be and you should be able to judge if it was helpful to you.
May I suggest you just go along to your first meeting with an open mind and participate as much or as little as you feel comfortable with. Don’t put yourself under any pressure. Your first goal is just to go to the meeting which you are probably a bit anxious about doing, You don’t have to do anything else on week 1 unless you are comfortable so to do. Each time you go it will feel a bit easier as things start to become familiar to you and you will probably find yourself relaxing a bit more and joining in easier.
Good luck

Yes might give it a go I let you know how things go Thanks

Hi Peterb1951
Tot is absolutely right. Take it easy and don’t pressure yourself. You will find you can get as involved as you wish or just sit back and dip a toe in the water. Everyone there has been in the same place as you.
I started attending our local PUK group (NWS) in September and have found it really useful. I resisted for many years not knowing what to expect (a common reaction) but I wholeheartedly recommend it. As well as the social side, our group and many others provide access to speech therapy and exercise groups, as well as organising events for PWPs and their carers and supporters. Hope it goes well, NeilT

Hi Peter,
My advice is go for it, I like you was more than a little apprehensive about meeting a group of people who all knew each other.
However The Burton on Trent group do a Nordic walk each Monday, which is led by an instructor, we don’t go far maybe a couple of miles at the most, and we don’t go very fast,to be honest although we are getting exercise it’s more like a social thing.Walking along you talk to whoever happens to be alongside of you,You can give as much or as little information about yourself that you are comfortable with. Going along and joining them has helped in several ways sitting at home I didn’t know if there were any more people locally who had PD turns out there are quite a few, then it was noticeable to me that there are people a lot worse than myself, this led me give myself a good talking to and to get a grip and to get on with my life.
I found that my body responded and worked better,( Nuff said) and I sleep better.
There are about ten of us that turn up at any one time, Barbara our instructor always does the walk beforehand to make sure that it is safe, and we always end up a cafe for coffee and cake putting back the calories we have just used up, as I have said quite a social occasion, and one that gets my bottom out of my armchair getting a little exercise and some fresh air, meeting people that are now becoming friends, and I really look forward to Monday’s which I did,not when I was working.
A little bit of personal info I’m coming up 85 been on medication 13 years and was seeing a consultant for 3 years before that.
My advise would be, if you haven’t already done so do go for it, it can’t do you any harm and could do you the world of good
Goo Luck