PD what is it all about

Diagnosed in 2010, did not know which to turn, just out from seeing the Dr that had told me that i had PD. Now outside the Dr’s room was a lady with leaflets all about PD, i picked up a dvd all about PD, the lady was very kind she had lived with her PD for 12 years now she said “you do not want to look at that dvd just take these few leaflet to read,” being plg headed I also took the dvd, The lady was right the dvd was about PD in the later stages. Now I have had PD for quite a while and have met a lot of friends who also have PD and I must admit a lot’s of professional people have also being diagnosed with PD. So I wonder if I’m privilege to have PD but we need to reach to people out their just what happens when you have PD how many of your normal/friends no what PD entails. So when I go out any were to bowls, Tai Chi, dentist, GP’s surgery I take with me some Parkinson’s introduction leaflets and speak to as many friends/people as I can. I have found there are a lot of people out there who wan’t to know about PD but don’t like to ask so I start the conversation with Hello I have PD then they will ask question’s and i try and give them a straight answer I think one of the best people that you can get help from is your PD nurse my nurse Jenny at QMC is like finding a new friend with her friendship and wonderful support l can face what life has thrown at me. I know that I can always turn to Jenny for help. I could go on and on. but I think what we with PD have got to do is make every one around us what it is all about. Also how we try and cope with it. This is my own opinion, and how i cope with PD