? pd?

Hello, im a 49 year old male who has developed symptoms which i believe to be PD. these are Tremors in both arms and hands, tremor feeling inside the body as if being shaken slightly or nausea feeling. Headaches daily front and back of head. Lightheaded when standing from sitting. I suffer with depression and anxiety. I also suffer from Hyperhydrosis which I have severe sweating on head and torso not hands and feet.
My medications I am on are Venlafaxine, Quetiapine, ramipril and recently Pro-banthine.
My tremors are from the moment I wake till bedtime. My GP has said they will see me Thursday but that’s 4 days and my tremors are getting worse. Can anyone help with suggestions or the next steps. Thanks in advance.

Hello Gary, and welcome to our community forum. We are sorry to hear of your difficulties. While we of course recommend reporting any changes or immediate needs to your medical team, you may hear from our members regarding your current symptoms. You can also reach our free and confidential helpline on 0808 800 0303, where our highly knowledgable advisers can assist with a range of questions.
Wishing you the best,
Forum Moderator

Hi Gary, Are your tremors only at rest (ie, when you are arms/feet are not moving)? A resting tremor is a big red flag for PD but if you have tremors when you are moving it could be something else. Four days can seem like eternity when you are waiting for answers. I’ve been diagnosed for 12 years and doing well on medication so there is reason for optimism even if it is PD. Best of luck. Iris

Thank You for Reply , much appreciated.