PDCare Laser by SYMBYX Biome - have you any experience of using it?

Reporting my findings as promised after using the PDcare and Head units for twelve weeks plus (now on week fourteen).
My positive results are (I think) a combination of using both items.(my medication has not been changed during this period).
Neck stiffness much reduced (before starting the treatment, twisting my head to the left was extremely painful).
Left hand/arm tremor much reduced (confirmed by Family members).
Getting a better night’s sleep, and feeling more ‘alive’ in the morning.
I’m of the opinion that these units help with some of the problems associated with PD, but probably more (or just as) important, help slow down it’s progression.
I now use the Head unit every day (24 mins) and follow the recommended procedure for the PDcare unit (20 mins Mon. Wed. & Fri) Plus I am trying it out on different painful area’s (knees and lower back for example)

I’m really pleased to read this update, especially about your neck as that is my most difficult issue. I just need to take the plunge.

Hi Snowy
As you are aware PD takes many forms and what works for some might not be the same in others.
I can only state that I have been totally honest about my results using these two products.
If you do ‘take the plunge’, after all £1800 is a fair old chunk of lolly, I wish you all the best.
As I stated in my first post on this subject, I pondered for about a year, before taking the ‘plunge’ (gamble ??)

Yes it’s a lot of money.
I think the biggest problem I’ll have if I do take the plunge is sticking to the treatment.