Peer support service is looking for volunteers

We are happy to announce we are currently recruiting for more volunteers for the telephone peer support service. This is a free and confidential service, provided by trained volunteers ready to listen, offer emotional support and share their experiences and understanding. For more information about the service, please visit our website at

For more information about the volunteer role, please visit our website at

If you would like to apply, you can request an application form through the Helpline on 0808 800 0303. Closing date for applications is Thursday 31st March. Successful applicants will then be invited to a training day which also forms part of the recruitment and selection.

If you would like more information, please do not hesitate to contact me through the Helpline on 0808 800 0303, or at [email protected].

Would love to do this and after  18 years feel that I could be of help to others, if successful, BUT, London for the day is not easily doable in a day for many of us in other parts of the country. There is also the additional cost of carers for my OH for a very long day, 12 hours at the very least. Can we not have  regional recruitment days so that   the service is representational of all areas of the UK and not just the SE???

Hi Benji

Thank you for your post and your interest in volunteering for the telephone peer support service.

We understand that some people may find it difficult to attend the training day due to distance, their Parkinson’s or caring responsibilities.

It is important that all successful applicants attend the training day. This is to ensure the volunteers understand the role and its boundaries. It also prepares them to deliver the service and gives us the opportunity to make sure they are suitable for the role.

I am always happy to keep peoples details on file as recruitment is on-going. If there seems to be a lot of interest and demand in particular part of the country, we will certainly take this into consideration when organising future training. For example one of our pervious training sessions was held in Liverpool.

We are also looking into developing online training modules in the near future, so potential volunteers can complete training at home, rather than travelling to attend a training day. Unfortunately, this isn’t something that we are able to offer at present, so we apologise for any disappointment this may cause.

Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any further questions. You can reach me through the helpline on 0808 800 0303. I’m happy to keep your details on file and inform  you of future recruitment and training opportunities within the peer support service.

Perhaps you could advertise in The Parkinson magazine and on the forum  if/when online training becomes available.


I hope you got some volunteers applying to be telephone peer supporters.

This is something that I would be interested in learning more about, I can't attend the training day in London due to my work commitments but if it was available on-line or is ever during school holidays(I work in a school) then I'd apply.

Nor can I attend a selection process in London!!! I have made my views on this known before.

2+ YEARS ON!! The near future!!! No online training modules.

PUK is excluding many members in areas of the UK in this process.

Hi benji,

The peer support team recognise the difficulties that some people affected by Parkinson’s will experience when trying to attend training and selection for the role in London. We have tried to minimise these by shortening the selection and training process to one day ( it was initially held over two days) and also holding training days outside of London. We do try to support people to attend, by covering hotel costs and the costs of a carer where necessary

We recognise that some form of online training could help to enable more people to participate as volunteers. However, because of significant staffing issues within the service last year, we were unable to devote resources to develop this. We are currently planning the further development of the peer support service and would hope that we may be able to pilot online training in 2019.

I hope you find this information useful and if you have any further questions, please email our helpline department at [email protected] .

Best wishes,

Just wondering if there are training days in Scotland. It’s a long way from NE Scotland to London.

Hi Bethankit,

If you email our helpline at [email protected] they’ll be able to let you know where/when the training days are available.

I hope this helps with your query.

Best wishes,

Wife volunteered for the Parkinson’s Telephone Peer Service at the same time as Parkinson’s wanted first hand experience for a Peer Service to happen. But as usual for Parkinson’s UK nothing came of it, found out this week that it was because the person leading the Peer Service project left the employment of Parkinson’s UK and was not replaced.

Surely in these isolated times a Telephone Peer ServIce would be ideal practically for young onset and newly diagnosed as they have the most to lose and fear. Knowing first hand what is to come.

The best advise that someone can get is from someone who has experienced the pit falls of Parkinson’s.